You are currently viewing Wallhacks AKA Adam Interrante – Racist BULBA XO

Wallhacks AKA Adam Interrante – Racist BULBA XO

Well folks, we’re now on to Wallhacks, AKA Adam Interrante, who is yet another fucking racist asshole and an Executive Officer of BULBA, the now full-blown racist clan from World of Tanks.

Now, as fate would have it, not only is he yet ANOTHER racist member of BULBA, he’s a racist member of Elevate alongside his Commander Ryan Brehm.

Now, as a frequent reader you must be by now, you should see a theme developing here: most of these shit-talking racist are ugly, young, and have nothing in their failed and miserable lives but a fucking pixel tank game. Now, as pathetic as that may be, it’s not a reason to feel sorry for these fucking racist pricks…until maybe now.

Adam is a fat, ugly fuck. Seriously, he is. Feast your eyes on this complete fucking failure of humanity:

I mean, god damn! The guy just has no chance, does he? I mean, I’ve heard of letting yourself go…but DAMN!!!

The guy is 29 years old. Twenty-fucking-nine…and he has nothing better to do than stuff his fat fuck face and go off on racist remarks with his half-witted, half-breed racist buddies. Here’s the clip again with him and his asshole racist clan buddies:

I tell you…you just shake your head wondering what makes a guy a racist asshole like this. Seriously. Is it because he’s fat? Mabye. Low self esteem? Probably.

But seriously, folks, take a look at this picture:

What a nice looking family. How the fuck do you get from there, with what appears to be a happy, decent looking family, to a fat-assed racist fucktard spending all his time in a pixel tank game?

Well, asshole, sorry. You’re being called out. Like the others, we’re going to leave Mia, Peter, Gregory and everybody else out of it.

For now.

But fuck up one more god damned time.

And by the by, anybody interested in this fat fuck can contact him here:

Adam Interrante
1961 Gerritsen Ave
Brooklyn, NY 11229

Sleep tight, fat fuck.

This Post Has 12 Comments

  1. cymonsia12

    hmm.. NA .. ITS A COMMON PROBLEM… .. at least SEA server is mediocre.. in my entire game life.. theres not even 1 racist guy on sea.. but when a tomato screws up .. all ppl on the team chat will insult the poor tomato player.. because sea players like me.. are very sensitive on the team… if one asshole fucks up .. hes gonna feel the wrath of keyboard warriors

  2. cymonsia12

    but at least we dont insult his religion and shit.. because the moderators will kick our sorry ass .. yea you heard it.. if you want a taste of fair players.. go play sea .. report a racist player and they got banned.. like literally… but its just a 7day ban..

    Awesome. Wish they’d do that shit here in North America.

    – Thing 1

  3. sickinger_immortal

    Again…. you probably should delete the address and phone numbers. Facebook profile, ok, but not that. but bigger problem, that is the same vid you used accusing someone else of being racist…. one person says it. then most the others say things like “are you serious” so pick one or the other on who the racist was that said it…

    Chris Sickinger aka sickinger_immortal fellow racist asshole Facebook page.
    4913 Jefferson Ave
    Ashtabula, OH 44004
    (440) 998-7440
    (720) 201-2999

  4. Thing 1

    Blow me. It’s not against any law in the land, asshole. You want to be a racist fucking prick, we’ll tell everybody exactly who you are and post every available piece of information we have.


    Jesus…are all racist assholes this stupid?

  5. Gomez_Adams

    Looks like somebody needs to learn when to quit.

  6. Thing 1

    No fucking shit. Defending a bunch of racist pricks. What the flying fuck is WRONG with people?!?!

  7. BeMac

    You’re a dumb cunt for posting that dudes address based on that video.

  8. Thing 1

    And you’re stupid racist fuck for defending him.

  9. Insurrectional_Leftist

    Well, looks like we have not only racist, but some comedy clown racist as well ? Maybe they were inspired by Steve Bannon’s cheer me up racist rant the other day in the news to the French racist in the news the other day to the folks there who voted for Le Pen. Fricken racist thugs.

  10. Gomez_Adams

    So, in other words BeMac, you believe people should not be held accountable for their actions? People should be able to anonymously bully, insult and slur anybody they want relentlessly and never answer for it?

    Nobody here thinks that way. Next time, maybe he’ll think twice about going off on racist rants and bullying attacks.

    Thing about racist tough, they typically never change. They just create a new hidden identity and keep on keeping on with racist attacks. It’s all they know to do.

    But at least they’ll be far more careful doing it knowing somebody is watching them. And if that saves one single person the attacks and bullying, then it is all worth the effort.

  11. Zeedox

    Holy necro,
    Someone’s butt is obviously still very sore…

  12. Thing 1

    Yep. And for a good reason. This shit is a large part of why the entire league in North America was cancelled completely.

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