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The Great Population Cover-up: Two Years Later

Well, folks, this is going to be a long one so get yourself your beverage of choice, a small snack at least, and strap yourself in because here we go:

A little over two years ago a thread started on the official World of Tanks forum regarding censorship. Specifically, the post was started to address some old guides for missions going missing (deleted) by the Wargaming forum moderators.

It’s at this point that a great amount of complete bullshit is posted by Wargaming and it’s little cronies. At the root of it all is Wargaming’s insistence, over and over again, that they delete threads after three months of inactivity.

Now, the problem with all of that of course is that it’s a complete, total, utter lie. The real reason they got rid of certain threads was because they either:

  • helped players succeed in completing missions for free rewards (the original reason the thread was started)
  • showed how badly down hill the game had gone population wise.

The main player on Wargaming’s side was that shit-for-brains Felicia Johnson (NyxWGA) and her alt account cronies. The main man of reason in it all? Our resident voice of reason, Gomez Adams. Insurrectional Leftist was in on it too, and they both took the full force of attack from Wargaming and it’s alt account yes men.

Here is the original thread. (The fact that it has now been in the locked threads archive for over two years when they’re supposed to be archived after 7 days ALREADY destroys ALL CREDIBILITY of NyxWGA. Like she had any to begin with…)

What we’re doing here is posting some of the relevant comments made. We’re not getting into the absolute flood of bullshit troll posts made by Wargaming. You can read that shit for yourself.

So here’s the first post:

Now, bear in mind that the explanation given to Rocker over this is the highlighted part:

“Be advised our Forum Mods are in the process of removing post with no activity for 3 months or more.”

OK. We get it. Makes sense, right? WRONG! Because that is NOT what they were doing. They were systematically trying to stop people from completing missions at the time because it was too easy and they were giving away a lot of shit they could otherwise be selling.

At that very same time is when the “population war” started. What you had were people pointing out how fewer and fewer people were playing then (mid 2015) than were playing back in 2013. Of course, those threads were met by the same damn people spewing the same damn shit they do today: That everything is fine, that there’s more people playing, that the game is growing.





But I digress. Back to the story.

It’s Gomez that steps in first to refute a bullshit post by that anime pedophile Wulfehound who posted that they just do it to save bandwidth.

Pretty straight forward, factual comment. I know because I was there. A LOT of us were.

To this very fucking day they say the same thing: Link or it didn’t happen! Well, sure they can say that now because they know they removed all the fucking links!

Also at the same time, they started blocking the vast majority of sites that showed the bullshit they’ve done. It became at the time almost impossible to link an image or an article from anywhere. (We are also among those blocked sites.) We weren’t the only ones that thought so either:

So this thread goes on with DOZENS of corporate shills and their alt accounts attacking EVERYBODY that says anything at all for pages on end.

It’s right about this point that Gomez posts THE post that just proves how completely full of shit their entire “three month” argument really is:


That right there proves beyond ANY DOUBT the cherry picking bullshit they were doing at the time. I mean, come on! You delete a thread that had been referenced over and over again with new links to new post, the last just two weeks before, but you LEAVE BEHIND A 5 YEAR OLD POST THAT NOBODY HAS REFERENCED IN YEARS?!?!

Stalin would be proud. That is FUCKING EPIC censorship.

Now, if Felicia Dick…sorry, Johnson…had any fucking brains at all, she would have shut down the fucking thread right then and there. I mean, you’re already pulling a fucking Goebbels/Stalin treatment on your forums to protect your companies image, why not just go ahead and stop the bleeding right then and there?

Because she’s a fucking idiot. That’s why. She doubles down on the most stupid shit anybody has ever seen.

You know, that’s what the funny part of it all is: They THINK they’re smart. They THINK that nobody but them can possibly understand how anything works, that they’re dealing with 5 year olds that simply can’t imagine what they’re talking about so just swallow any bullshit they spew as the gospel according to John.

Now, bear in mind that no forum moderator had commented on that post until Gomez hit them with that one. Only three more post were made before NyxWGA showed up to try to quash it with her bullshit.

Here’s her retort to that post:

Really? I mean, fucking REALLY?! That’s your lame-assed explanation? It was working, then it wasn’t working so we did nothing, now it’s working so it’s working?

You stupid bitch! He just PROVED TO YOU it wasn’t working! Shit, this VERY STORY REFERENCING THIS VERY THEAD PROVES YOU’RE LYING!

Then you’re going to sit there after you sent your cronies in to talk about saving bandwidth and say that you’re not actually deleting them but simply hiding them from public view?

Are you related to Donald Trump?

You HAVE to be to be that fucking stupid! You just contradicted everything that was  already said!

It’s at this point that Leftist chimes in with a reasonable post:

And what’s NyxWGA’s response to that? Well, you’re going to love this shit:

Wow. Just fucking wow. Let’s just take this epic bullshit post in order:

You’ll need to ask an admin here in order to restore a thread.

That was done you stupid bitch. He was told to file a ticket. So he files the ticket and you tell him ask a Forum Admin. Heads you win, tails he loses.

These forums are not provided to you to come and say whatever you want to say, in whatever way you want to say it.

No shit, you stupid bitch. That’s the ENTIRE POINT OF THE THREAD AT THIS STAGE! That’s why you’re cherry picking the flying fuck out of it!

We actually don’t normally go in and just start removing content, or “making things disappear” – for this process, it was all done by script

No, it wasn’t. We’ve already proven that not to be true.

no one sat and looked at which threads were archived

In other words, you’re admitting to gross negligence. Well done, you stupid bitch.

I’ve clearly stated the criteria used to determine what was archived, and I’ve clearly stated a means for requesting a useful and relevant thread by moved back.

And that was followed to the letter by 17 people that we know of and ALL OF THEM were ignored. Not deterred by this idiot, Leftist once again asks for help:

You can’t get much more clear, concise and polite than that.

He was completely ignored.

Then, Gomez strikes again with this jewel:


So it’s quite a while before the stupid bitch posts again, and when she does it’s clear she’s pissed off because she’s been proven to be the complete fucking moron she really is. Here’s her next “panties all in a wad” post:

Wow. You gonna take your ball and go home, bitch?

Who whined? You did.

Who cried? You did.

People made a factual, decent observation about what was happening. You come back with pure bullshit, deflection, misdirection, and threats. No wonder you got shit-canned from running the forums.

Not the least bit intimidated by her fucking stupidity, Gomez punches back:

Followed by Leftist who is also a bit puzzled by the sudden hostility on NyxWGA’s part:

And the even funnier part of all of that bullshit is something that NOBODY saw at the time. It’s this part from NyxWGA:

Some sections will not be affected based on who runs the section and what their preference is.


You JUST SAID it was done by script. THEN you come by and say it depends on WHO is running the section and what THEIR PREFERENCE IS.


How fucking stupid can you get?!?!

The thread goes on for a few more pages of trolls talking about alt accounts and that’s about it. The thread ends like this:

No shit, you stupid bitch. You made it that way from the beginning.

This Post Has 24 Comments

  1. Gomez_Adams

    I remember that. I can’t believe that thread is still there.

    You know, looking back at that there’s another observation: They also eliminated the player history from the API. Now when you search the API for population figures, it only goes back to 2015.

    They completely removed any evidence of population from the public for this game. To the public, as it sits, this game population wise has only existed for 2 years.

    It’s the single most blatant damage control cover up I’ve ever seen.

  2. Insurrectional_Leftist

    Here’s one other thing, ” Do you remember all those long PM conversations chases I made to Ghost Prime to find that Official Wargaming post about the record NA population post that was “Cherry Picked” and taken down, for him to retrieve as directed by her to do from this thread above ? Maybe I should look for some of those threads see I still haves some of those PM’s left?

    You should have heard some those excuses of why he could not find that link? He was supposed to be the person to retrieve that thread/link etc. Further corroboration that they had no intention of ever letting that official WG official post every see the light of day again.

  3. Gomez_Adams

    I remember going back and forth with him over several things. He’d always make some sort of lame excuse or say, “I’ll look into it” and then of course he unceremoniously vanished into thin air.

    Of course, that’s about the same exact time that NyxWGA stopped taking any messages, made a huge rant about how anime is great and everybody should love it, and then forbid anybody to ever discuss it in a bad light again.

    Then, she too vanished.

    It was, and is to this day, the most classless, chaotic, unprofessional run organization I’ve ever encountered. You would think they’re all 10 years old and just found out there’s no Santa Claus.

  4. Insurrectional_Leftist

    This thread was an “Epic” thread to be for sure. It was very revealing also of Wargaming’s inner nature in the WGNA office especially. How they operate, how far they were willing to go, how far they were going to cover things up, censor, lie, hide the facts, and say just about anything. The ends justifies the means set the course to the point where they are now.

    Speaking of which, there was another thread that NyxWGA was on with us, I’ll post that here when I find it that was also epic as well. I’ll try to search for it. Another Nyx fiasco thread. I’ll pause a few. Allow me to find it 1st and I’ll be in a while.

  5. Insurrectional_Leftist

    And here it is above ^ Another NyxWGA Special memorable thread. With her special “Boot Print” upon it. This one once again stars I_L, Gomez_Adams, CrankyOldYank, a few others, and a few other keystone shills …. This one speaks for itself once you start reading it. Basically, Nyx denies her part (and other WG employees conflict of interest of belonging to WOTLABS as WG employees, and denies the official conflict ethical conflict of interest).

  6. Thing 1

    Yeah, because taking the side of a third party program you’re involved with isn’t a conflict of interest in the least.

    Stupid fucking bitch.

  7. Gomez_Adams

    Yeah, that was really, really bad on her part. You sit there and have a moderators account at Wotlabs, then you’re going to admin World of Tanks as well and say that’s not a conflict of interest?

    That is, sorry to say, narcissism and outright stupidity on a scale I’ve never seen outside of Trump’s presidency.

    As a representative of the company, your first, foremost and ONLY interest should be in the company, not some third party app that is very well known for creating the most toxic environment ever seen in the gaming world.

    But then again that just goes back to who Wargaming really are, doesn’t it? They’re Belorussian racist by birth and at heart. That is why they harbor racist, Nazi’s and child predators/perverts the way they do.

    It’s funny how people think they’re Russian. They are not. At all. In fact, Russians consider them to be trash and always have.

    Maybe that is why they created such a toxic environment to begin with: to finally get payback for being stomped on by others all their lives.

  8. Thing 1

    Maybe that is why they created such a toxic environment to begin with: to finally get payback for being stomped on by others all their lives.

    That makes a shitload of sense. They’re all a bunch of depraved, perverted assholes that got picked on all their lives so they used this entire enterprise to fuck with people.

    Now that the gravy train is coming to a screeching fucking halt they’re firing people hand over fist trying to fix it.

    That’s the fucking hysterical part of it all: It’s THEY who are the fucking problem to begin with. Until THEY are gone nothing is ever, ever going to change.

  9. Mr_Alex

    @Thing1 and Gomez

    I have noticed that the WOWS NA Server on weekends used to have more than 10k players but lately it has become half of that and also in terms the server has become much more laggy if you know what I mean

  10. Thing 1

    Didn’t they just ban like 5000 players for illegal mod use a week or two ago?

  11. Mr_Alex


    Some of them got unbanned and the devs said some were not caught using warpack

  12. Gomez_Adams

    Actually, nobody knows how many were banned, but it was a lot. To my calculations, about 26% of the player base. The numbers when I play dropped DRAMATICALLY.

    SOME of them were overturned due to the use of a program that changed the color intensity. (Which, frankly, I find highly suspicious. Why would you use a 3rd party app to do what you could do with a gamma adjustment or a tint knob in less than a few seconds?)

    A few of them were un-banned due to that app. But in the end, thousands were still banned and never reinstated.

    At the end of it all, I adjusted my estimate to 19.5% of the player base being banned for illegal mod use.

    It was a HUGE number of people, and that wasn’t all of them I’m sure. The population at all times dropped INSTANTLY from that and didn’t come anywhere near recovering fully even after the reinstatement of some accounts.

  13. Thing 1

    A color correction app got caught as a cheat?

    I’m calling fucking bullshit. That’s a monitor thing. That’s got nothing to do with a fucking game and it’s software. If they detected that shit it’s because it was either being used to cover and hide cheats or it was itself somehow a cheat.

    No fucking way you use a color correction app and it contacts the fucking game server. NO FUCKING WAY.

    They’re a bunch of lying, cheating sons-of-bitches.

  14. Gomez_Adams

    I had considered the same exact thing.

  15. Scorpiany

    When it comes to my own experience with having Threads removed, it was pretty blanket-wise. Whether they were my guide posts, criticisms of the game, praises of the game or things completely unrelated to the game at all. I did have to PM one of the mods to reinstate all of my old guide Threads. I never attempted to restore any others, so I don’t know what they would have done there.

    That being said, at this point it is very clear that the game’s population is on a solid decline. The server merge here on NA, the extended queue times and the practically non-existent Grand Battles (STILL haven’t seen a single one) & Ranked Battles (2-3 minute queue times per match, mmm… What an active server population) have all made it very obvious that the server population is not where it once was.

    Not only is the server population smaller than it needs to be, but those who do still play seem less and less active. The game just isn’t nearly as fun as it once used to be. I find myself just… Disappointed every time I log in.

  16. Insurrectional_Leftist

    @ Scorpiany, I could not get any GB’s no matter how many tier X battles I would play ( I had the proper settings checked ), I would get a few all tier X battles on standard maps. I only saw 2 GB’s when the patch 1st dropped. That was it ! Never have since. And I don’t like how that map is designed. All that happens is the fast tanks run to the high positions on the map and slaughter everyone else, by sniping, spawning HEAT etc and so on. In the 2nd battle I finally got smart in my Maus, and crossed the back into the village area for buildings, lived longer, got more damage, and kills.

    But, I stopped playing a week ago, and I will not be back to play until after the next patch drops sometime around the 18th approx. The MM is what has me torqued off to be perfectly honest.

    My WR at 49, and my recent was 48.75 moving up suddenly crashes down to 46% ??? Forever, it never would fall below 48% for a recent.

    I tend to play a bit of tier 8 to make credits, I can tell you tier 8 there is definitely a problem for sure.

    And yes, I’ve mentally seen the math since the server merger, the NA population has been going down, I’ve been paying attention also.

  17. Icon_Charlie

    Just read it and yea. Just like WoT

  18. Thing 1

    Same game developer, same shills. Nothing changes in the hellholes run by Wargaming.

  19. PrinzEugen85

    I remember that thread, what a back an forth civil war that was. It’s funny the thread contains a who’s who of people who post on this site.

  20. PrinzEugen85

    @Leftist. I still play from time to time. The unified server at prime time hovers around 19-20k. That’s smaller than the pop of East alone around last year (feel free to tack on firm numbers).

  21. Zeedox

    I finally went and reread that thread.
    Wow, what’s really interesting is the amount of fanboi names you never see anymore.

  22. Thing 1

    Yeah. They just keep rerolling and changing names and doing the same shit though. It’s like all the “community leaders”. They’re not actually new people – they’re just newly created accounts. They keep losing any and all credibility by being proven completely wrong over and over again. When they get to that point, they reroll and VOILA! A new community leader.

    It’s always been the same assholes doing the same shit since day one.

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