Well, folks, we’ve felt for quite some time that the title of this post was in fact true, but we didn’t really have enough evidence to confirm it until now.
This was brought to us by a member that had rather remain anonymous because he’s a bit too close to the subject matter. We’re cool with that. Kudos to him for digging this shit up for us.
If you guys will recall, not long ago we did a product about Killswitch95 that apparently he didn’t care about. He didn’t care about it so much that Demonic_Angel_of_Death posted it on the main World of Tanks forum for him. (The thread has since been deleted.)
Now, that was fishy. Why would Demonic_Dumbfuck_of_Dopey bother? I mean, what the ever loving fuck? I would think you wouldn’t want people seeing pictures of your ugly ass at the very least, let alone give people the impression that you have to send other people to try to defend your stupid ass like you’re some sort of fucking half-assed coward.
But I digress.
Well, after that all went down more than a few people began PMing me about the idea that they were the same person. Doing some posting comparisons, it certainly appeared to be the same person. Then, just this past Thursday the 19th of October, Demonic_Dumbfuck_of_Failure made the post that removed all doubt. That post too was very quickly deleted, but here’s a cached copy of it.
Here’s the OP for those too lazy to click the fucking link:
And right below that text he posted this picture:
And this picture:
Now, the first question is: If you are posting about your game you played on your account, why are you blacking out your name? I mean, what’s to hide, right?
All it takes is a very quick look folks to see that’s the case. Look at Demonic_Dumbfuck_of_Dyslexia’s profile page and you’ll see that not only does he NOT own the T28 HTC, he also does NOT own the ISU 122-44 and in fact he has never played a game at all in a T7 tank!
But look over at Killswitch95’s account and you’ll see that not only does he have the ISU 122-44 pictured and plenty of games played in it, but he also has the T28 HTC and he’s played a game in it…and by A GAME we mean ONE GAME, because he just got it…oddly, just like the post from Demonic_Dipshit_of_Denmark just talked about.
That of course means that Demonic_Asshole_of_Antioch is in fact breaking the EULA by using an alt account to circumvent a permanent ban…which is of course supposed to result in another permanent ban.
So all of that said, in the end folks, it turns out that this guy
From this clan
and this guy
from this clan
Are all, in the end, this guy:
Now, if that don’t make you want to put Low-Jack on your kids, nothing will.
This has been an EWOT public service announcement.
No big surprise there. They’re both jerks, so it’s not like any great mystery has been solved.
True. But now it’s up here permanently and not hidden and wiped out by Wargaming and it’s band of anime pedophile helpers.
Gee, it all makes sense now doesn’t it? Busted. Well, how long will it be before he starts trying to fill the forum with dome denial comments soon? 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, …. Waiting for it.
Funny how people in Game Chat Box, tell me how this site doesn’t matter, yet everyone is after it, obsessed by it, looking for ways to come after it, and go to such great lenghts (ex: Folks like this and even WG itself) xD
Yep. They don’t give a shit but it’s all they can talk about. It’s fucking hysterical.
Finkel is Einhorn, Einhorn is Finkel Christ almighty the lengths these people go through on a fucking free game’s forums.
I post screenshots from my EU account because I play there, but comment on the NA community because I like their community better… However I don’t want NA people spamming my EU account with random messages…
As to why I care about things about killswitch95, we were in the same clan for a while and he used to be my commander before he left the clan to me, we’re good internet pals due to our mutual liking of Lego and tanks…
You can think what you want, but unless you get an unaltered screenshot of that picture or any of the other pictures that I post on the NA forums that are screenshots, you have no definitive proof that I may be that person in question…
Ah, I forgot to say:
No need to post a cached copy friend! My post actually didn’t get deleted like you assumed…
You’re a fat, slob, lying sack of shit Steve. If that were the case, as mentioned, why black out what server you were on and what your game name was? Why is your IP from South Carolina EXACTLY like it should be? (the shit service you’re using isn’t fooling anybody, numbnuts)
You’re so full of shit man and your excuses are lame…almost as lame as you are.
Dude, stop. Just stop. You’re sounding like a 3 year old that got caught red handed in the cookie jar but are now VAINLY trying to make it out that you were getting the cookie for somebody else.
You are stone cold busted. Nothing you say makes any sense at all because it’s so fucking ridiculous nobody short of a lobotomized rat could possibly believe it.
And that is quite odd since it wasn’t there the other day. Odd indeed.
Why Black out my name and server? Because I don’t want random NA players spamming me with messages via a random EU account that they may have… It’s a very simple reason: I hate spam…
Yeah I live in SC, that’s the beauty of the internet, live in one place, play in another… Just because I play on EU doesn’t mean I live there. Take all the Australians on the NA server that are about to get their own server for instance. They live in AU, but play on NA currently…
Like I said before, unless you get an unaltered screenshot, which I am under no obligation to provide, you’ve got nothing more than a massive assumption and coincidence…
LMMFAO!!! Yeah. Sure. Right. Like the 6 views you have on those videos you post, right? Like people are going to track down a fucking reroll account and spam them to death when they could just spam your stupid ass on your present account you posted with while they’re online, right?
Nobody gives a fuck about ANY of your identities, Steve. You’re an also ran and an ugly one at that. Nobody is going to spam you. If they wanted to, they would have already done it and they never fucking have because you’re a fucking fat-assed, ugly loser.
You’re SO fucking stupid, Steve. Honestly. Just stop. It’s past the point of fucking embarrassing for you now to the point you’re actually starting to make me feel guilty.
Fun fact, dumbass:
Remember when you came to this site, didn’t follow the directions and tried to manually log in through the WordPress portal?
Remember that?
Remember you entered your username as Killswitch95 and your password of Steven Sisk and the 1995 date after that?
Remember when you did all that stupid shit about a month or so ago?
Again, stop with the bullshit, Steve. We ALL KNOW IT’S YOU. By logging in here with your Dipshit_Asshole_of_Disentary account, you have in fact PROVEN BEYOND ALL DOUBT that you’re the same person.
Suck on that, asshole.
God damnit man…I know you’re a fucking inbred, South Carolina, non-educated idiot…but holy shit! I really didn’t think even YOU were THAT fucking stupid!
I haven’t seen lame excuses on a level like this since my daughter tried to explain how my Stratocaster wound up in dropped D all by itself.
So you’ve got an IP Address match which makes sense because I bought his old computer from him since mine blew up. Which isn’t that hard to do being that we live in the same state… I assume you know how IP’s work, being the address assigned to each device connected to a network and all, and if a device connects to different networks it stays the same, it would make sense that I have his old IP…
And you’ve got his login info from when he still had this PC…
And you have altered screenshots…
This is speculation at best, not your definitive proof that you claim…
And that’s all folks!
Steve, thanks for the laughs man. Seriously. I’ve not laughed this fucking hard in at least a year.
But we’ve entertained your stupid ass long enough. Bon Voyage, Steve. I think I speak for us all when I say I’m incredibly sorry about your failed, lonely, miserable life.
Oh my God. I can’t believe anybody would go that far with the excuses. That is simply beyond belief.
What are you, Steve? 9 years old? 10 maybe?
Holy cow. I’ve never in my life seen lying like that in such a losing cause before. It’s simply stunning.
Are people really this dumb about technology?
I know reading hurts and is hard but sound out the syllables on the big words and learn something…
I just called him out. He posted in a whats best arty for t10 cw other than french
For pubs: M53/M55
For CW, in which you can’t use tier 9… T92 for splash and stun, GCG for the arc, GW E-100 for a mix of Splash, Arc, Stun, and Accuracy…
No one mainstreams the 261 or Bat in competitive play…
I personally have a T92 HMC, but the CGC is equally common in CW… No so common is the GW E-100, but my clan is actually requesting me to get one for the above reasons, so it’s up there as well..
That was what he had said. And weball know demonic has no t10s.
Yep. Fucker just can’t help himself.
Edit to add: Just saw your post, Spacedude. Well done!
And I forgot to make some popcorn!
Make a double batch. I’ve got the beer covered. You’re not going to believe what the stupid fuck finally replied with on that thread. Check this shit out: