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Dealing with WoT Customer Service – an exercise in futility

This story was submitted by email by player leukorrhea. The opening has been reformatted and some capitalization corrections made. The rest is pasted as is from the email.

That said, here it is in its entirety. Get comfortable…this shit is like watching a classic Borg / McEnroe match.

– Thing 1


I am prone to do stupid things (probably reflected in my stats as a player); so I thought I’d swing this by this board to see if it was me or not.

Essentially; I elited out the 13 90 a long ass time ago (back when Lorr was a standard t IX tank) and didn’t touch it for a while.

Shit changed, lights were extended out to Tier X.

Went back to the 13 90 to finish it/grind some campaign stuff; was still listed as elite. I was afraid it may dump exp into gold unlockable free exp.

Took a shitload of screen grabs and explained in several ways what the issue was (amongst other things), and what I appeared to have gotten was a rigmarole (tried earlier too) that never addressed the issue.

Below is the copy/pasted conversation with the customer service rep; saved the webpage and a few screen grabs in case that helps (I’m reluctant myself to open email files from unknown parties.)

Ticket #1181569
Category: WoT
Sub-category: Game Support


Via Tank Rewards October; apparently i had been awarded a ram II and a Primo Victoria. set that i had won that is listed as paid out on november 3rd; however, it has yet to be posted on my account (as of november 15th)

I understand there are several issues/bugs WOT is addressing; but, is there a potential range of dates this particular one will be addressed?

Also, submitted some time ago, neglected to clarify proper; but on the amx 13 90 (which i had elited) is listing a elite/has the option for “accelerate crew training”, i don’t want to potentially lose exp to free exp if/when i decide to grind to the 105. do i need to worry about exp going to “free exp”


Their response:

John Michael Anderson

Hi leukorrhea,

Thank you for contacting Wargaming Support!

We appreciate the time you took to send your query.

We understand that you have a few concerns on your account. Allow us to address them one-by-one.

Regarding your concerns on the Tank Rewards prizes
We know that you have been working hard on getting those points and you are eager to get your prizes. Please rest assure that you will be receiving your rewards. As stated by the previous representatives, we ask for your patience in this matter since the payouts for rewards are usually credited in batches and it might be possible that there would be a slight delay on your payouts for your rewards. We hope you understand.

Regarding your concerns on the “Free Xp”
We would like to remind you that the only time an Elite tank’s or Premium tank’s Xp points goes to Free XP is when you opt to convert them in the game. Converting to Free XP requires gold and is done manually.

To answer your concern, you need not to worry since, to convert to Free Xp, players are given the option to do so in-game.

We hope we have cleared-up your concerns.

Good day and happy hunting!

If you have any more concerns, feel free to check our FAQs here.

Best Regards,

John Michael Anderson
Wargaming America Support

To which I replied:


asked for a timeline when a posted one was passed ~2 weeks ago; not addressed

noted bug of “top teir not unlocked, previous teir is elited and exp will go to free exp requiring gold to use but not towards the top tiered tank”

i understand wargaming probably goes through a lot of tickets in a day.

Their reply:

John Michael Anderson

Hi leukorrhea,

Thank you for contacting Wargaming Support!

We appreciate the time you took to reply.

We’re sorry to say that we do not have information on when would the items be rewarded. Due to the amount of players and items being rewarded unfortunately, we have no exact time-line on when the items would be credited to our players. As stated previously, the rewards are credited in batches.

On your concern regarding the AMX 13 90, would you be able to provide us a screenshot of your in-game tech tree? We would like to apologize if we may have missed the point regarding your concerns on your Xp points. We would like to gather as much information as we can so we can investigate on this matter.

We hope to hear from you soon!

Good day commander!

Best Regards,

John Michael Anderson
Wargaming America Support

My reply:


i appreciate the clarity and alacrity; attached are 2 jpeg highlighting the issue with red lines.

I believe i had attached similar in the original messaged, perhaps with less details.


Their response:

Eric Mason

Hi leukorrhea,

Thank you for getting back to us.

We do appreciate you providing us screenshots. In order for us to further investigate this, can you please send us a screenshot of a recent match where you used your AMX 13 90 and did not receive any experience from the match? Please make sure to include the Detailed Report since it will help us investigate this issue.

We do apologize for any inconvenience and we look forward to your response, Commander.

Best Regards,

Eric Mason
Wargaming America Support

My reply:


I apologize for the delay; here is a result of the battle, two screen shots with items in question hi lighted in red
Their response:

Eric Mason

Hi leukorrhea,

Thank you for getting back to us.

We do appreciate you providing us screenshots. After reviewing it, we do see that the experience that you earned is now reflecting in your tank.

Are you perhaps referring to a different issue? Can you please explain or clarify it so that we can further investigate?

We do apologize for any inconvenience and we look forward to your response, Commander.

Best Regards,

Eric Mason
Wargaming America Support

My reply:


it is turning into exp that requires gold to unlock as opposed to going towards unlocking the amx 13 105.
And the final screen grab as he closes the ticket:

This Post Has 5 Comments

  1. Zeedox

    Apparently, stupidity and not understanding game mechanics seems to be a pre-requisite for
    CS employment in wg.

  2. Gomez_Adams

    No kidding. Every response reads like a very bad set of Ikea desk assembly instructions.

  3. Insurrectional_Leftist

    OMG… Just reading that got myself even lost with my head spinning in circles. You know it must be like those customer support things you call into like with your cable or internet service provider where it’s a computer automated mechanical voice thing that ask you pre-programmed robotic questions, only atleast in that case you eventually get to someone ( most of the time, annoying as it is ), but in this case here… You Don’t ..!!!

  4. Thing 1

    He sent links to the images he sent them as well. I’ve got to get them added in tomorrow morning.

  5. Scorpiany

    I’ve had many terrible experiences with Customer Support before, but my last one took the cake… I’ll post about it at some point… I have never had a worse, more appalling display of absolute incompetence and apathy for customers displayed by the system by ANY site or game in the ticket.

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