Folks, I’m not sure really where to begin with this one as I have no fucking clue where it’s going to end. I guess the best way to start is at the beginning:
This morning, I received a message from a guy that has contributed to this site pretty much since day one. He just keeps us clued in from time to time on things that he thinks are relevant to our purpose: Namely, trolls and other bullshit Wargaming allows to go unchecked.
So his message to me this morning was about some asshole that was telling people to kill themselves and calling people Jews and such in this thread.
Now, it started off innocently enough…but then, all of a sudden, for absolutely no reason, AceAsshole COMPLETELY flips the fuck out, starts calling everybody shitters, starts stat whoring as the usual troll does, and then literally goes into calling people a fucking Jew and telling people to kill themselves.
Now, of course it took Wargaming moderators about 8 hours to go through and prune out the really bad stuff (still leaving some rather BLATANT insults in direct violation of their own rules in place though) and to lock the thread down.
Which of course gave us plenty of time to screen shot his comments. Here are the relevant ones we’re talking about:
I mean just fucking wow.
This guys first excursion into the forums and this is the result?
Or is it his first?
Now, everybody else’s comments are still up on that thread folks. Nobody else had theirs removed…because of course nobody went off the deep end like this asshole did.
So who is he?
Well, this is where it gets really, really, really fucking weird. This guy’s account was just created last year folks. He talks as though he’s been around for fucking years, but denies being a reroll even when it’s BLATANTLY OBVIOUS that he is.
Here’s his account page:
Not even a year, folks. Not even a year and he’s making the rounds like he’s been at it since day one in 2010.
I found that REALLY fucking odd.
Hold on to your ass. It’s gets weirder.
So I start looking for this guy…where he came from, what posts he’s made, you know the drill. Well, guess what? He HAS been around for years. He’s been following none other than Anfield for at least the last 4 years under that name, some three years before he ever had a World of Tanks account. He’s even done some video captures for Anfield during that time.
He’s also been following Lemmingrush for a long time (at least 3 years) and commenting on his videos as well. I didn’t look around long enough to see if he had also done captures for him as well.
He’s also changed his Twitch name from Ac3Tank3r to Ac3Wank3r_Reborn while doing all of this for some odd reason.
Now…where have I seen a name like that before?
Right here:
OK, so the names are familiar. We also know that Noobwargamer_Reborn changed his name to simply noobwargamer.
And of course he’s somehow not the commander of one clan, but the XO in another. Hmmm…let’s take a look at that for a second. Here’s his clan history:
So, he resigned as commander of the first 11 AD, then joined as commander of another 11 AD, then resigned from that and rejoined as an XO.
Makes NO fucking sense at all, does it?
(Hint: It does if they’re all your accounts and you’re just doing a reshuffle to add new accounts.)
What about Ac3Tank3r’s clan history? Well…sit down, because here it comes:
You’ve GOT to be fucking kidding me, right?
So just ONE MONTH after creating his account, Ac3Tank3r just happens to join the clan most widely known for using cheats and buying accounts?
Let’s get back to that in just a second.
Who OWNS 11AD? I mean, who is the guy that shelled out the gold and actually bought the shit? Well, his name is Rockinjohn. How do we know this? Well…he told us all:
So one guy owns all of them. Not surprising. But here’s what is – take a look at the language used there…how he’s already bitter, angry and expecting a world of shit. Looks familiar, doesn’t it? Go back up and take a look at some of Ac3Tank3r’s posts, then read John’s post again, and then take a look at noobwargamer’s last post:
Uh huh. And he too is paranoid of being called a reroll…just like Ac3Tank3r is.
You thinking what I’m thinking? I thought so. And just for the record, here is Rockinjohn’s clan history:
Now folks, here is yet ANOTHER reroll of the same guy he did just a year later in 2014. He didn’t even really bother trying to hide it:
This guy has rerolled so many times and bought so many accounts, I bet he doesn’t even remember who the fuck he actually is anymore.
Read this:
Folks, I don’t really know where it goes from here. I’m out of gas for the day. It’s been a long one.
But here’s where I think it goes: This asshole Rockinjohn, who has been around since June of 2013, created an alter ego to go out following other tankers with. I think at first it was to buddy up and learn…but then something happened. I think this guy started hurling money around hand over fist to get in good with people.
When he found that didn’t really work out too well, and didn’t help his game, he resorted to using cheats like Warpack and everything else he could get his hands on.
That helped, but not that much. What’s more, he got busted for it and didn’t want to risk it again…so he simply bought himself a good account and started playing it with essentially the same cheats.
Well, that got busted all to hell just recently as well, didn’t it? What’s more, the stats were falling off a cliff and making him look bad, so he bought another good account and simply kept it on ice.
Until just now.
We’ll look into this further down the road to be sure…but for now, I think we’re pretty close to the truth.
Which begs a couple more questions:
- What the fuck are people like Lemmingrush and Anfield doing hanging around with assholes like this?
- Why the fuck hasn’t Wargaming done anything at all about it?
Ponder that, folks.
UPDATE 6/29/18:
Ok, folks…you can’t make this shit up. So if you’ve read the comments you know that this…guy…has been emailing non stop threatening lawsuits. He also reported us to Cloudflare for abuse. I wanted to take this opportunity to clear the air and post his official complaint. Here it is in its entirety with the only edit being the phone number he listed for the complaint:
Reporter’s Name: Javier Morilla
Reporter’s Email Address: [email protected]
Reporter’s Company Name: 2001
Reporter’s Telephone Number: I’m leaving this out for now.
Reporter’s Address: USReported URLs: or Evidence of Abuse: I am putting the evidence URLS here as well just in case: to my email asking for evidence and asking to talk to him: "You're busted, asshole. Live with it. – Thing 1"
Compilation of all the images I will provide in comments that show Abuse/Slander/Harassment:
Comments: Hello, I am Javier and I would like report a very abusive website, that not only focuses on harassing people, but also spreading pure lies. Regarding the first articleI am the player "Ac3Tank3r" that he is spreading lies about. I would first like to talk about one of his main points, which is that I am a narcissist because I posted racist comments on a video game website. Now yes, those comments are real, but if he had even tried to contact me as I mentioned in the emails, he would have known that my account was hacked/stolen during that time period. He then essentially makes up things such as I've been following "Anfieldw" for 4+ years when in reality as seen in the screenshot I have been following him for around 6-7 months. The other streamer is "LemmingRush" which he claims I've been following for 3+ years when In reality, If you check my chat history with him I have only been in contact with him for 4-5 months. Now these aren't essentially cases of harassment; those I'll get to in a second, but just to show how he makes things from thin air; trying to show just how non-credible he is.
Now for the abuse, I'll start with the fact that when I messaged him regarding the article and asked him to show evidence, as well as warned him that I would take action if he did not talk to me/take down the article, he simply replied with "You're busted, asshole, Live with it." Not only that, but he then went and shared that personal email on his website, and started mocking my intelligence, calling me an "asshat," "fucking idiot," and telling me to "go fuck yourself."
Now I decided to do a little digging since I knew one case of harassment wouldn't be enough to file a case against him, and in just 2-3 clicks I found 2 articles completely based around harassing individuals (links and images in evidence urls)
Please email me if there are any questions.
So, the comments were all his and we were telling the entire truth throughout the entire story, but his account was “hacked” at the time.
Yeah. Sure. Right.
What’s more, why didn’t he just explain any of that to begin with in the first email he sent? Why did he send “meet me in voice comps” like some sort of a fucking stalker trying to lure a kid into a van with a candy bar?
Why did he wait 6 months to do anything about it? (Yes, that is a rhetorical question.)
I have to ask: Has ANYBODY seen any shit this stupid in your life? Because I sure as fuck haven’t. Hell, I’ve not even HEARD of anything this stupid.
wg hasn’t even remove the thread, just locked it up in the Gen Disc.
Yep. What’s more, the fucker told someone to kill themselves, and used anti-Semitic slur against another guy and he’s NOT BANNED.
What the ever loving fuck?!?! That is an INSTANT PERMA-BAN ANYWHERE ON EARTH…except for on the Nazi Run, bully approving, Wargaming Sites, that is.
Interesting. WG can’t even moderate a thread properly. One of Ac3Tank3r’s insults – calling another player a Jew – has been quoted in Post #48 and is still present. You’d think by now that they would just learn it’s easier and more effective to remove some threads – unless they deliberately leave offensive material in for some perverse reason.
They do it to let the poster know they agree with them…and to insult Jews any chance they get.
It’s what Nazi’s do.
It does rather seem that way – either that or they’re totally incompetent. With their history, I’m tending to believe both of them.
What in the fuck is even wrong with some of these people? Are they really so obsessed over video game stats that they’ll tell people to consider suicide because they’re playing a tank class they don’t like?
Well, when Scorpiany starts dropping “F” bombs, you know it’s bad.
But really man, who is worse: the fucking guy that says that, or the company that allows him to do it over and over again?
I will never for the life of me understand this obsession with stats.
It’s a game, for crying out loud. It’s supposed to be fun. You’re supposed to enjoy playing it. If you’re in it for the stats, then my God…you have some deep seated personal issues and need some therapy.
Don’t get me wrong; I understand how stats can be useful. They actually helped me out a bit from time to time. I can see where my weak points are. For example, I can see how maybe I’m not hitting as often in a given tank as somebody else, so I can see I need to take more time and aim better…or maybe I see I’m hitting just as much as everybody else but not doing the damage, which means I need to work on where I’m aiming and hitting.
But that’s as far as stats go. When I go in and dominate a game and lose anyway, what difference does it make how my stats are?
Most importantly of all, when a game tells you flat out that it controls the mm and has a higher RNG factor than any other game on the earth at present, and is completely rife with cheats and illegal mods that Wargaming to date has never, ever done anything about, then how “good” do you think you really are?
I’ve said it many times and I’ll say it again: Stats, and the entire XVM system, have ruined World of Tanks. When I first started playing I didn’t even know what it was. Most folks don’t. They just want to play a tank game.
But the stat whores simply wont allow that to ever happen.
Which is why you have people like this, and why they game has been completely ruined in North America and is on it’s way out.
Wow wg, simply wow – this comment hasn’t been removed yet…..
And that asshole is posting on the forum right now as if nothing ever happened.
Wow, what a Bone Head ! π
This community !
So I get an email this morning (actually sent yesterday, but hey…fuck it…I’ve got a lot of irons in the fire at present).
Here’s the text:
Hello, I would like to talk to in voice comms to whoever wrote this ( and the lead editor. I am the REAL acetanker, and this article that you submitted is completely fabricated. The fact that you dont even ask me for a take on it, just assume things, and then pull things out of thin air such as:
“He’s also been following Lemmingrush for a long time (at least 3 years) and commenting on his videos as well. I didn’t look around long enough to see if he had also done captures for him as well.” or
“He HAS been around for years. He’s been following none other than Anfield for at least the last 4 years under that name, some three years before he ever had a World of Tanks account. He’s even done some video captures for Anfield during that time.”
I would like to see where your evidence for this statement is since if you ever actually tried to check you’d see I’ve only been following Anfield for around 10 months and LemmingRush for around 4 months. I have never done any video captures for anfield, in fact I dont know nothing about video captures. Im not going to go on about this in this email. I want you to reply to this email within 3 business days that you are available/up to talk in voice comms, or I will take legal action because this is pure slander. And before you go saying I cant do anything, you should read up on the law regarding spreading lies on the internet:
“In the United States and in many countries around the world, truthful statements about another person are safe to publish. However, publishing outright lies with the intent to defame or injure the reputation of others is illegal.”
I love it. A whole fucking article full of evidence and he wants to know where the evidence is.
Asshat, you’re about the 50th person to email me about your “lawyer” and “the law”.
Go fuck yourself.
To this day only one lawyer ever contacted us and he was sent by Wargaming NA directly. He lost his ass and has not been heard from since.
What a fucking idiot, this guy…
On voice coms. Yeah. That’s a troll, plain as day. I guess he figures everybody on earth is as stupid as he is.
Man, those trolls are an obtuse bunch.
That’s what makes it so fucking funny: they actually THINK they’re smart.
Tell your Attorney we expect to paid $ in return for wasting of our time also as well. Knock yourself out. Wargaming sure did.
This guy is a fucking riot.
So he sends this:
A very professional response from a very credible and professional website I see. Just letting you know I want to talk to you within 3 business days or I will get your article removed/website taken down.
Your website is the most BS thing I have ever seen by the way. Claiming things without providing any evidence whatsoever. Let me ask you again, show me the evidence to your claims that I have been with Anfield for 4 years and lemming for 3 years. If you were even remotely professional, you would have reached out to me and I would have gladly told you the whole story.
You keep backing up this idea that you busted me and that I’m noobwargamer when you’re completely wrong.
Anyway, just letting you know that you either talk to me in voice comms within 3 business days or you will be receiving an email from my lawyer.
Then he sends this:
Now that I’ve given some thought to it I really don’t care about dumb people making conspiracy theories especially since you are extremely unprofessional, sharing my private email on a public website without permission, which I am pretty sure is illegal, and straight up fabricating lies. I don’t care, I know you’re not going to provide me with any evidence/talk things out with me (you mention how I said voice comms and people were saying it was a troll; we can perfectly talk over “private” (you don’t really know what private means by sharing peoples emails) messages if you’re too shy to talk over voice I have no problem), because I know you have absolutely no evidence. ” A whole fucking article full of evidence and he wants to know where the evidence is.” Your article isn’t evidence. Its a bunch of speculation and loose ends, nothing more. Evidence would be screenshots showing how long I’ve been following LemmingRush and Anfield.
Now, here comes the funny part: It’s all coming from a guy allegedly named Javier Morilla from [email protected].
He’s reported us to Cloudflare for “abuse”. LMAO!!!
OK hotrod. Show us in this article where we’re wrong. You see, dumbass, in order for you to prove libel you must PROVE that what we typed is completely wrong. Now, seeing as how everything we have said is backed up with screen shots, which is…well…fucking PROOF, then you have a very tall task ahead of you to prove that all of it is fabricated and made up, especially when WE didn’t supply any of it, the players in the screen shots did. Which according to you is, well, YOU.
So go on now. We know you’re reading this, so just pony up, log in and post a response.
Forgive me for not holding my breath…
Oh, and I am never, EVER going to submit to some empty “voice comms or lawyer” threat from you, dumbass. Just send the lawyer. You’re beyond fucking ridiculous and not worth my time.
I’m not getting his argument. How on earth can he say it’s not his account saying those things when right there we can all see that it’s his account saying those things?
Be sure and send this to your attorney, this is our calling card.
You don’t hand out 3 day ultimatums and then immediately decide you “no longer care” – it makes you look like an ABSOLUTE dumbass, not just a probable dumbass.
Oh he keeps on and on and on. Three more mails. Now he’s pissed I posted his name and email address and is going to sue us for that as well.
He’s also going to sue for other peoples shit (which of course isn’t possible because he has no standing, but I digress).
The guy is a patent idiot. I guess he thinks you can’t post any of the bad shit people do online because…you know…it makes them look bad.
Here’s what I sent him over the last three emails of bullshit he sent us:
Fun fact pal:
All of it.
There is nothing on earth anybody can do about the truth other than live with it. You don’t want people posting your shit online, don’t do stupid shit.
YOU send US your email and name. We didn’t go looking for it. We didn’t ask you for it.
You could have logged into the site and posted anonymously. You did’t. You went this route and threatened me. Even after I let that go the first time, you kept on and on and on with it.
So there’s nothing you can do about that either, dumbass.
Next time, don’t give people your personal information and then make threats to them. Then you’ll have nothing to bitch and cry about.
Ahhhhh…Now I see why his panties are all up in a wad. His buddies found out about his telling people to kill themselves and all his anti-Semitic slurs and booted his ass out of the clan.
So he had to change his name and start all over again and he’s pissed off about it.
Awwww…poor thing. I guess that only leaves one thing for us to do to make him feel better.
You’re welcome, asshat! π
P.S. Love how that win rate is still tanking straight to hell just like the others he bought.
I’ll have to take these in order:
1. No. I’ve never seen anything quite this ridiculous before. He admits its him, then says it isn’t.
2. Odd how the new stat sig has nose dived but had actually been on the way up before “just recently”.
My conclusion: He just now bought the account. That’s why the stats are tanking. When someone starting insulting him, he had no clue as to why. They then pointed him to this article. He then was outraged that he bought an account that had this hanging over his head, so he instantly goes into panic mode, changes his name, and starts emailing you to try to threaten you into taking it down.
It’s the only story that makes sense other than the fact that it was him all along and he doesn’t have a leg to stand on.
I hadn’t considered the thought that he may have just bought the account. It would explain a lot.
Unfortunately for him, that would result in an immediate in-game ban of the account, so I don’t know why he’d bother trying to make a big deal over shit somebody else said back when they owned the account.
Or, how about this: Do your fucking homework and don’t buy accounts belonging to fucking racist, bullying, tell people to kill themselves pricks.
He’s getting pretty creepy if you ask me. In the next couple of steps he’ll been in the same category as this guy who walked into the Gazette killing journalist, after he sued the paper, clamming the same shit (and he lost the law suit), then went in shooting the place up etc. π
Hadn’t thought of that, but you have a point.
Only one small problem: he’s full of shit. He’s used the “my lawyer will call you” about 7 times now.
Nobody’s called.
It’ll probably take a few days for GoDaddy to review his claim and contact us. Once they read his complaint and see he already admitted it was in fact his account that said those things, well…yeah. He’s done. Claim dismissed.
He keeps sending shit mails like some fucking half-witted kid threatening me. I just sent him this and it’s the last I’ll hear from him as I’ve blacklisted him:
Whatever you say, Jeads_Coin aka Ac3Tank3r aka whoever the hell else.
I’m done now. You’ve been flagged as junk mail, so this is the last message you’ll receive. I hope you get help with your issues pal, because you’ve got a shitton of them.
Best of luck,
-Thing 1
The guy is clearly unhinged.
But when you go back and read the article and see all the things he said, it matches that attitude to perfection doesn’t it?
Sounds like an unhinged Trump voter? Who knows? Or maybe, he just is upset about his game stats dropping and being exposed about his gaming activities and the community pal of his found out like you said? We’ve don’t nothing wrong here on our end.
Worse comes to worse, contact his ISP.
OK, guys…remember the fucking asshole that was telling me I was going to get sued, he’d get his lawyers, he contacted GoDaddy and was going to have us shut down?
Remember all that shit?
Well, he just emailed us again. Here it is in it’s entirety:
Hey man,
I just wanted to apologize for the threats and all, I was just not having a good week.
I would just like to ask you as a fellow human to please not include my full name and email, given that I’ve already received a “hate” email.
Regarding the talk on voice comms, that wasn’t a troll, I just wanted to explain everything to you by voice which is much easier to do than by written messages. If you’d like I’m still willing to talk to you either in voice comms or in private messages in discord or whatever, just let me know.
Best Regards
Well, I must say that took balls. Crawling back on your belly to beg from people you threatened is the last ditch effort of a truly desperate man.
So, that said, apology accepted. Now go fuck yourself. Consider this a lesson learned, asshole.
Something tells he’ll be back…
Well, that’s the typical trash talker, isn’t it? Make threats, talk a big game, then realize the person you’re dealing with is willing to go to the mattress and you chicken out.
So much for whatever pride he had.