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VinnyI82 – yet another victim of a failed, automated TK system

Well folks, we’ve simply been inundated with shit since the new year and it shows no sign of letting up.

What we have here, on the surface, APPEARS to be just another example of a failed, automated TK system banning the wrong person. But we think it goes much, much deeper than that.

What you’ll see in this video is pretty straightforward: VinnyI82 gets to his place and sits there for about a minute until suddenly, for no apparent reason at all, this shit-for-brains fucking moron, twark, comes out of nowhere and starts ramming him and using physics abuse to get him banned.

Let’s watch the video first, then we’ll actually examine this thing deeper afterwards:


OK. So it seems pretty straight forward as I said before, right?

We don’t think so. We think it goes much deeper than that. Let’s take a look at the players in this video, shall we?

Here’s the victim:

And here’s the victims clan:


Here’s the culprit:

And here’s the culprit’s clan:

Oh yeah. That’s fucking legit, eh?

So what we have here is a clan of obvious botting trolls fucking with people at will and getting away with it.


So what happens when you get fucked over by the system like this like VinnyI82 obviously did? Well, VinnyI82 decided to post the replay file and then post on the forum what had happened to him. OK, so what do you think happened to that?

Did he get support?

Nope. He got blamed. No shit, folks…people came out of the woodwork to insult HIM for being FUCKED OVER by a fucking troll player from a troll clan and a completely failed physics abuse system. We’re not making this shit up. Here’s VinnyI82’s post:

Pretty straight forward, isn’t it? Well…here comes the flood of fucking trolls:

Where’s the ban and strike for non-constructive post? Did he watch the video? No. Did he make a relevant comment to the subject? No. Did he insult the OP? Yes. So what’s this asshole’s problem? Well, maybe he’s one of them – the fucking troll players that is:

Then this asshat chimes in:

Well, shit-for-brains, he knew that fucking pricks like you would come along and not look at the replay and not bother commenting on the actual SUBJECT OF THE POST. That’s why he made the TL;DR you fucking half-wit.

Then this asshole:

Who gives a fuck if it happens to you 2-3 times per day, moron? The thread ISN’T ABOUT YOU! God damnit…what the fuck is your problem you slack-jawed, ignorant, fuck? And of course he didn’t watch the video because if he had he’d know that just going over and hiding behind a fucking bush and minding your own god-damned business does NOT warrant being fucked with by a god damned fail, botting troll.

Here’s asshole number 4:

Probably because you’re the asshole doing it to others. By the way, you’re going to have to buy another account soon asshole. The rate you’re losing, you’ll soon be called out for it, run off the forums and out of the game, and be forced to Ebay in more stats to keep up your bullshit arguments.

Here’s how he’s doing lately, folks:

Looks a lot like Noobwargamer’s recent performance – on the express elevator to hell.

On to asshole number 5:

Once again blaming the victim. Once again didn’t watch the video or he’d see that Vinny didn’t do a fucking thing. Didn’t check out who perpetrated the incident either to see it was CLEARLY a fucking troll from a fucking troll clan that did it.

See? THIS is what Wargaming condones: Any time anybody has an issue, don’t address it – ATTACK THAT PERSON WITH EVERYTHING YOU’VE GOT!!! TROLL HIS ASS TO FUCKING DEATH.

By the way, asshole, how much money have you spent over at the stat padding service? Given that 180 degree turn in your play, it sure as shit ain’t YOU doing it, fucktard.

On to asshole number 6:

Maybe to point out the problem? How about that, you fucking moron? That’s what the forum is THERE FOR. Well, it’s SUPPOSED to be there for that…but all the moderators do now is allow troll bullshit like yours. Problems with the game aren’t allowed to be discussed rationally anymore…so you fit right the fuck in with your bullshit.

You must be on the frequent payer plan of the stat boosters along with Gurdy…or are they both you?

Hope your mom’s credit card holds out, asshole.

It goes on and on…more and more assholes, post after post, page after page, blaming the guy that got fucked over rather than the asshole that actually did it.

And the worthless fucking Wargaming moderators let it go on and on and on, and are in all likelihood taking part in it as well. Otherwise, how the fuck is it even possible that not one non-constructive post has been penalized?

Same shit, different day.

And here’s Vinny’s last post as of the writing of this post:

Stay classy, man. We hear ya. Shit happens to people all the time, but unfortunately for you, on the official forums, you are surrounded by the very people that do it.

This Post Has 15 Comments

  1. Scorpiany

    Yup… I saw that Thread, and was amazed that people came out of the woodworks to just bark and try to discredit him.

    As for that one person who said that they don’t believe that it can happen 2-3 times a day… It can… It does… I can tell you that from fucking experience, that there will be days where it seems like some kind of troll & ogre celebration.

    Also… Nice team damage system WarGaming. You ban the guy that’s getting trolled, but you can’t ban the moron that shot me 9 times. Fucking brilliant automated system, that you refuse to fix. But no no, keep lying to yourselves and the community by claiming that it works fine and “catches most cases”. It doesn’t. People abuse the ever-living shit out of it.

    At the very least, they could accept replays and ban people via. Customer Support submissions, but no… They’ll just tell you to piss off and trust the automatic system, and that there “are no appeals for team damage”.

  2. Zeedox

    The whole things going for a dump……..why do you think there’s a rumour all the wg na personnel are to be replaced…..

  3. VinnyI82

    I <3 this Scorpiany guy sometimes…
    And not 3 matches after I got back from my "hour break" I got shot in the rear by a mauschen in my WZ-120-IG FT.
    People seriously don't believe me when I say I get fucked with bad. Real bad. Daily.

  4. VinnyI82

    Oh and thanks Thing1 🙂

  5. Gomez_Adams

    I’ve never been banned by the TK system, but the physics abuse is one of the top reasons I quit playing.

    I’ll pull into a spot in my JT88 and up comes a freaking heavy and pushes me around until I give up and move or he just outright TK’s me.

    2 to 3 times per day? Well…back when I played a lot and would get in 25 to 30 games on a Saturday, sure. I can see that happening. It often did.

    But the responses are typical. They’re not there to discuss the game or see what actually happened. They’re only there to troll and insult because it’s really all they have going for them in their failed and miserable existence.

    It’s pathetic, really.

  6. Thing 1

    It’s why we’re here, Vinny.

    And yeah, Zeedox. I saw that bullshit too. I’m like, “What the ever loving fuck is that bullshit” and then I see who’s posting in it.


    Yep. Pure bullshit when he’s in it. No doubt.

  7. VinnyI82

    I was at work last night thinking about the replies. It reeks of liberal logic and victim blaming.

  8. Thing 1

    Liberals don’t blame the victim dude. Republicans do. They always have. They’re the fucking idiots that blame the poor for their problems. Yeah…the fucking poor with NO power at all. THEY are the problem. Sure. Right.

  9. PrinzEugen85

    Scorp and Vinny are class acts. They deserve a hell of a lot better than what they’ve been given.

  10. Insurrectional_Leftist

    That forum again. Oh god. What an abusive place that outfit has turned into now. Correction, always really has been, just keeps mutating along the way. Man they used bash me terribly. That’s why I stay away from that place now.

    You’ll only find justice or fairness in the dictionary, but not on the NA forum.

    @ Vinnyl82, it’s some type of Russian, neo fascist, perverted Wargaming, Iron fist style totalitarian Corporatist unethical, racist cheap ass, outfit hand crafted by Wargaming that runs that operation in the NA office man. I don’t see too much Liberal about that office to be honest really.

    It’s a corrupt run little office, which has “Loyalty followers” within it’s ranks, like a dictator ship. IF you read those employment reviews you can see what even their past employees say about that place. It’s a worth a read. You see what their past employees have said about the NA office.

  11. Rafalefighter47

    Hi Thing 1, I’m not picking a fight with you or anything, but I’m a Republican and I can assure you, I care about the poor, and I’m not one of those idiots who blame the poor for their problems. There are retards both right and left. As for the forums, like I was saying in an earlier article, I suffer from anxiety attacks(not to be confused with ordinary anxiety), and it sucks. Because of that, for years I was afraid of even bringing up something in the forums because of these trolling idiots. I post a topic concerning increased profitability, and two guys claim that people can farm credits in tiers 8,9, and 10, while those who aren’t great at the game, one of them said, won’t earn as much. I’m going to send you an article and let me know what you think personally about this: This guy, Kamahl1234, claims that “WG has a very legitimate reason” to have the in-game economy as is. My email address is gonna sound like I’m muscular, but I’m not. I’m born with low-muscle tone. Anyway, I will give you a hint: I love fighter planes and “buff” is like a term for people who like stuff.

  12. Thing 1

    Then you’re not a republican. You’re an independent or a democrat.

    The GOP hates the poor. Full stop. You can not be a republican unless you blame the poor for everything and want to get rid of medicare and medicade completely, planned parenthood because you’re a bible beating moron, free lunch programs because you don’t care if poor kids starve, they’re not you’re fucking problem and more…because you’re not poor and you don’t need it.

    If you’re not thinking the above, you simply can’t be a republican. Just ask them. They’ll tell you the same thing.

    I answered the rest in a PM.

  13. QuiAudetVincit

    “You can not be a republican unless you…”

    Actually, it’s pretty simple. You sign up. You’re a member of the GOP. Just show us on the doll where the Republican touched you.

  14. Thing 1

    And it’s those fuckers doing all the touching lately, that’s for goddamned sure.

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