You are currently viewing The Present State and Future of World of Tanks and Wargamming (Part I of II)

The Present State and Future of World of Tanks and Wargamming (Part I of II)

Part I, “Lipstick on a Pig”

Bridges are repainted once in a while to keep them from rotting away.  People restore cars with new paint jobs to make them shiny again, and WG redid the same maps with HD graphics.  What all three of these things have in common is it’s the same piece of shit under that paint that you had before.  The proverbial “lipstick on a pig,” couldn’t be any more fitting for Part I of this two part series, where we will discuss the present state and future  of World of Tanks and Wargaming (WG) itself.  We will grade each WG department on an A to F scale.  We will then talk about the main reasons why the game is losing players.

Predicting the future is not easy to do and in many ways can be a fruitless venture, but sometimes seeing into the future is possible if many factors point to the same probable outcome.  This is what we will try to do in Part II, “Free Fall,” where we will look at population numbers both past and present and then take a guess at where those population numbers will be heading.  We will predict where this company is going in the future based on the likelihood of possible outcomes for all of its major games.

Grading Each Department

WG Management:

The reality is WG totally ignores what players ask for and just does whatever the developers want and/or the accountants say would be best to increase revenue.  This sounds great when you are looking at a spreadsheet, but what cannot be calculated is the player response which eventually correlates to said revenue.  As more and more things are done that the player-base doesn’t want or ask for (like a graphics update that took three years, instead of new maps) you lose something else that is not on a spreadsheet, and that is credibility.   WG’s reputation for any games they have or will make is forever damaged due to this loss of player trust.

There was a WG campaign just over two years ago where CEO Victor Kislyi said the company would listen better to what players wanted and set up the company to be more receptive to player based changes.  There was then a poll to what the top things players wanted to see changed about the game and soon after the developers had player meets to discuss them.  The community leader read from a list of things players wanted to a dev who then answered if they will be changing any of them.  The list included new maps and bringing back some old maps, changes to MM like a +1/-1 system, and lowering RNG.  The dev answering said one by one why none of it would be happening, and essentially proved the company still ignores their players like they don’t exist.  Nothing changed.  All the talk of listening to players was just that, talk.  Meaningless babble from a company that treats their players like they are a nuisance.  They know better than the players what they want.  If they knew better, the game wouldn’t have lost 40% of its player-base since that time two years ago.

Not adding new maps for two years prior to the graphics update is one of the primary reasons this game has fallen off the proverbial cliff, which by the way, is the only way the new OPed Russian 268-4 can be killed.

The inability or indifference to crack down on illegal programs like aim-bots and other assorted cheats is also a huge blemish on the game (more on that later).

WoWPs falling out of the sky and Master of Orion taking a galactic crap are two more examples of bad managerial decision making.

WG Management Grade: F

Developers (Game Creation):

The initial WoTs game was quite impressive and quickly gained a large following.  WG soared to new heights and branched out into ships, planes, and even space games.  Those games were created by profits from WoTs success and this has a lot to do with the developers of this game.  The game was simple and fun and a big reason for that was the developers who made it that way.  They deserve a ton of credit for their achievement because not many games will ever reach the status that WoTs has.  It was one of the most popular online games in the world.  Yes, it had problems too, but what games doesn’t?  Overall however, the game delivered.

Developers (Game Creation) Grade: A

Developers (Update 1.0):

The new graphics, while having changed game-play for some maps and making some better or worse as a result are stellar in appearance.  They are a masterpiece in many ways, complete with music and an ambiance that engulfs you in the battle.  The fact that some players cannot utilize the full graphical  impact due to computer restraints does not rest on their shoulders because I see it more as a management decision.  Whether or not it was a good idea to update the game in this way is debatable, but I do not blame the developers for this aspect.  The negatives of the graphics update is that they make it harder to see things further away and they have an opaque  appearance, making it seem less life-like.  Things appear to have a painted-on appearance more-so than the older graphics did, but they still look stunning.  Maybe a tweak here and there in settings will make it look better.  Another negative is houses and other man-made objects appear smaller than they should in real life.  They don’t scale well.

Another flaw to the maps which is more serious, is the rocks getting in the way of what appears to be a clear shot at the enemy.  The rock absorbs the shot even though you had a clear view to the enemy tank.  This happens on many maps and is very annoying.

Developers (Update 1.0) Grade B:

WG Accountants/Analysts and Marketing:

WG hires tons of people to do game and business analytics.  Some of the blame here goes back to management relying too much on game and business data.  I can understand looking at data to see if one side of the map or one tank or the other gives too much advantage, but when you start getting into the financial part of it to how it affects game-play, I think a line has to be drawn.  Management and the analysts have been looking at how to make people fire more gold rounds with the “eternally bottom tier” format, and also how to make games end faster with lopsided teams.  They also look at the average time that games take on certain maps and put those maps higher in the frequency queue.  I believe this is also why they made the changes to shot accuracy a couple of years ago to make you fire more rounds, and why the “casino slot-machine RNG” is so out of hand.  The accountants and analysts have helped make this game the unplayable mess it has become.

From a marketing standpoint, the fact that older premium tanks still have not come down in price is either a lack of business savvy or a very stern owner who will simply not allow it.  I have no idea who makes the final decision on things like this, but a tier eight in the current game with its “eternally bottom tier” format is not worth $50.  It might be worth $29, but not $50.  Premium time is no longer worth $12 per month.  It might be worth half of that though.

The Black Friday Feast, aka the $909 “useless bag of shit tanks sale,” is enough to send most marketers packing that same afternoon it was dreamed up, but seriously, WTF were they thinking?

Spending $6 million on a Superbowl commercial in 2017 was a waste of resources and had little to no affect on game population in NA.

The only saving grace for avoiding complete failure is the loot boxes sale of a tank (Type-59) WG promised never to sell again.  They circumvented this promise by offering a loot box that could contain the same tank.  Total desperation and proof that any promise made by this company is totally meaningless.  They later outright sold the Mutant and Defender.  Loot boxes are gambling BTW.  They are not gift boxes.  Gift boxes are things you get as a gift for free.  These boxes you paid for and they were a casino slot-machine gamble (much like WoTs RNG).  I don’t condone the use of gambling in a game where many players already have addictive personalities, but tasked with making something out of nothing, they managed to make clay out of mud.

WG Accountants/Analysts and Marketing Grade: D-

WoTs Community Leaders:

Paul Barnett and Meathead had a very hard job.  They had to sell a festering turd and look excited while doing it.  Paul has experience doing this from the much maligned game Warhammer Online (which shut down after four years).  I remember seeing his speech on the realm PvP system where he gets very excited about what happens when one realm is winning and the player response knowing in advance there is zero incentive to even bother playing and that deflated his balloon, but he pressed on like a happy-go-lucky, drunken jester anyway.

Meathead made videos and tried to be funny, even when he knew what he was selling was complete shit.  Sometimes he would knock the company in his own subtle way.  For both of these guys, it had to be hard knowing the writing was on the wall but in the end the game died in NA, mostly due to no new maps,  non-competitive games, casino slot-machine RNG and lack of listening to what players wanted.  I have no idea if either of them is staying on in some capacity with the company but I hope they will find a home somewhere else in the gaming world.

WoTs Community Leaders Grade: C+

The Main Reasons Why the Game is Failing

Match-Maker (MM) and Rigged Games:

<Warning!! Some of you might want to don a tin-foil hat for this part>

I combined these two because they are one and the same.  Why the games are so lopsided and non-competitive are due to these two factors.  Whether you believe the games are rigged or not doesn’t matter, because they are not competitive or fun 60% or more of the time.  The losses also come in streaks where you get nothing but low skilled teams that can’t win, and then suddenly you get nothing but all-stars that can’t lose.  There is nothing random about losing eight to ten games in a row every other day.  The game either needs a skill-based MM (SBMM) system or for WG to stop using their patent and just let the games play out.  Oh yeah, there is a patent:

“Dynamic battle session matchmaking in a multiplayer game.”

“According to another aspect, the matchmaking server may store a win/loss percentage for each user (or vehicle) at a given battle level. As the player’s win/loss ratio decreases, the player becomes more likely to be placed in battles having battle levels at the lower end of the allowable range, whereas as the player’s win/loss ration increases, the player becomes more likely to be placed in battles having battle levels at the upper end of the allowable range. Thus, when a player has been repeatedly put into too many difficult battles, the balancing is done in favor of easier battle sessions, thereby encouraging the player by providing an easier game environment. Similarly, when the player has been repeatedly put into too many easy battles, the balancing is done in favor of harder battle sessions, thereby keeping the player challenged instead of letting the player become bored with easy games.”

When you read the intent of this patent it is hard to believe they abandoned the idea fully.  The games seem rigged and when you play you have to understand you are playing a faulty slot machine that will sometimes troll you.  It will troll you with MM, and it will troll you with RNG (Russian/Random Number Generator), but more on RNG later.  What it boils down to is there are three pools of rigged MM.  There is the Winner Pool, the Loser Pool, and the Even Pool.  The Winner Pool sees about a 67% WR, whereas the Loser pool sees the opposite with a 33% WR, and then there is the Even Pool, which has games that are balanced and could go either way.  The streaks of losses in the Loser Pool will give you roughly one win for every two loses.  “3x and 5x More Losses Weekends” are notorious for long losing steaks because the game is flooded with low win-rate players and the MM system has to compensate by giving average and better player worse games.  This is another reason why they want preferred MM to be a thing of the past.  A good player can still win in the Loser Pool with preferential MM at lower tiers.

<Tin-Foil Hat off>

The games just are not competitive.  WG has stated many times there will never be a SBMM system because they know better than everyone else.  The reality for anyone playing their game however, is that the games are  too often a waste of time and without a SBMM system, this game will continue to piss players off.  It would take no more time in the queue either.  Just let the MM pick the teams as it does now and then flip a few of the players from one side to the other for their class of tank until it falls between a 45-55% win-chance variance.  The numbers could be based off of an XVM-type of stat keeper, or perhaps the service record.  If the MM cannot balance within the 45-55% win-chance variance, it would just get as close as it can and start the game.

If you read the game forums you already know they are riddled with posts about how bad the games are, how bad the losing streaks are, and how people just don’t find losing ten games in a row with hopeless teams fun.  Regardless, if the games are rigged or not they surely are unplayable most of the time and WG needs to find a way to make the games competitive.  The fact that they haven’t isn’t very reassuring to anyone playing.

Casino Slot-Machine RNG:

No one is under the impression that WoTs is a tank simulator.  It is an arcade game.  An arcade game with a rigged, shitty MM system and slot-machine RNG that would make Vegas blush.  It is supposedly set at 25%, but I think it is dynamic, much like their patent on MM above.  It is part of the reason competitive play has died.  It’s a laughable lesson in futility trying to perfect your craft when you are dealing with an algorithm that will tell you where your shot goes regardless of where you aim it.  You could fire at a tank 50 meters away and hit a squirrel’s head or an eagle’s pecker.  Anything is possible when the RNG has been dialed up as high as it has in WoTs.  Why bother even  trying to get good at shooting when it’s all in the hands of a piece of faulty game code?  What makes things even worse is if you manage to hit the target, there is no guarantee you will penetrate it.  You see, RNG will dictate what the pen value was for the shot and then deal random damage.  Three potential rolls of the dice every time you fire a shot, if you are lucky enough to hit the target at all.

<Tin-foil hat on again>

All of this wouldn’t be too bad if the game was consistent, but it isn’t.  Sometimes you will hit an artillery that has 30mm of armor with a 102 mm gun and bounce his rear or side.  The game is an inconsistent mess.  Another thing is WoTs seems to troll you with RNG for the entire game.  I believe that RNG is also being used to rig games.  I think prior to the game starting, the MM will pick lopsided teams and then have a sliding bar for RNG that will affect your entire team.  Instead of the normal, out of control 25% RNG, you might have 35% RNG, while the team that is supposed to win, gets 15% RNG.  I think view range is part of this as well although I cannot prove it, but I have noticed in games where your shots are off or you fail to pen but they always do, they also see you first and may not even become visible when firing at close ranges with heavy tanks.  They also disappear quicker once spotted.  This is just an observation and may not exist at all, but I feel it is accurate and does happen.  I honestly believe they are using RNG to rig games as well as MM and I’m not the only one.  People are tired of it and have been asking for it to be toned down, all on deaf ears.  When you pound the ground enough you log off and do something else.

What WG should do is stop rigging the RNG and then scale it by tier.  Tier one 25% RNG is fine, but it should scale down to 10% at tier 10 and be dynamic only in regards to how many tanks of each tier are in the game and it would tell you the game’s RNG percentage based on the make-up of the team’s tier average.  Example:  If you were in a 5/10 tier 10 game, five tanks would be 10% RNG and let’s say tier 9 is 12.5% RNG, 10 tanks would be at 12.5% RNG.  Add all of those numbers up and divide by 15 and the game will be played at 11.67 RNG ((5 x 10) + (10 x 12.5))/15 = 11.67.

<Tin-foil hat off>

Seal Clubbing:

A book could be written about this subject and probably has.  Every game has them.  Degenerates who either can’t compete at higher levels, players who take pride in making a new player’s experience miserable, or people looking to pad stats to make themselves look like good players.  The WoTs retention rate has to be very low, which would make anyone wonder why there isn’t better protections in place to help newer players.  One that I can think of off the top of my head is a limit to how many games you can play in each tank at low tiers.  Perhaps no more than ten games in each tier one tank, and maybe 25 in each tier two tank.  Perhaps make the tier one and two win-rate not count and still have the limit per tank.  Make it so tier one only faces tier one and tier two only faces tier two.  Make those games have less tanks on each team to compensate.  Maybe have eight players in tier one per team and ten players at tier two per team.  Do the same for tier three, but make it twelve players a team and stats do not count after 50 battles in a tank.  The issue would then be low-tier premiums.  They need to go and players should either be compensated for them or given the option of having a tier five premium.

Indifference to Cheating and Illegal Mods:

We have all been witness to players who magically can hit something 400 meters away while the target is moving at full speed perpendicular to the shooter.  The same player will make impossible shots the entire game and wind-up with four or five kills and go on to the next game doing the same.  People cheating in this game are losers.  People cheating in any game are losers.  It is up to the gaming company to find ways to detect and punish cheaters.  This game may ban a cheater once in a blue moon, but they are not enforcing their cheating policy very well.  Recently some fanbois claimed they banned 1,000 accounts due to cheating.  I wonder if these are the same fanbois who always ask for proof that the game is rigged.  Show me proof they banned 1,000 cheaters or I will assume they banned none or maybe one guy on twitch who was using a cheat mod but was a freeloader who never paid a nickle to play the game.  The problem with a company like WG, who is financial trouble, is it makes it harder to crack down and ban accounts because it hurts them financially.  This is an additional danger the game is in right now due to low game populations and falling revenue.

No End-Game:

With the failure of several tier ten modes like “Grand battles,” and others which I can’t remember, along with no tournaments and clan rewards going way down, the game has no end-game for veteran players.  What do you do when you get the tanks you wanted at tier ten and have nothing else to play for?  Do you try to research every tank for every country?  What is the end-game?  The answer is their isn’t any.  This isn’t LoL, where if you find four people and convince them to play with you in a basement twelve hours a day for a year, you might be able to win millions in tournaments.  In WoTs you win nothing, or next to nothing.  Even if you got good at the game the casino slot-machine RNG might kick you in the ass on that final kill shot.  It makes all of this pointless.  If you want RNG, go to a casino and pull a slot-machine handle, you might get better results.

Lack of New Maps:

I know WG just redid 30 maps in HD.  There might be a new one or two in that bunch, but all of the others are the same maps we had before.  It boggles my mind how they didn’t bring back some of the older maps that haven’t been played in years, but instead chose to redo maps that were already in use.  It would have made more sense to bring back five or so of the older ones and then redo the ones that were in use at a later date.  The fact remains that while the maps have been redone, they are the same old maps.  They play slightly different, but they are the same old maps players have been playing on for years.  There was a stretch of about two years where the only new non-tier ten exclusive map was Paris, and it is not a popular one at that.  The same old maps are boring and players want older maps brought back or totally new ones.  Again, on deaf ears.

No Value at Tier Eight:

Tier eight premiums, the thing everyone wanted once they started playing.  The silver would come rolling in.  The tanks were average and nothing really special stood out about them, but you trained crews and made money.  If you had preferential MM tier eights, like the IS6 or KV-5, you had games where you were top tier and didn’t have to fire much gold, if at all, so you made money.  Nowadays, with the new OP’ed premiums you have to fire gold to pen and once you do that you make no money.  If you are in one of the new OP’ed premiums, guess what?  They buffed other tanks and you are “eternally low-tier” and most of the time have to fire gold yourself.  What is the point of even playing tier eight?  There isn’t any, except to painfully grind though to get a tier ten you want.  Greed destroyed their most lucrative tier.  Don’t expect changes anytime soon either as the changes they made to buff other tanks to compensate for the OP’ed premiums would have to be unwound to fix this issue.  It ain’t happening.

Emphasis on Premium and “Rare” Tank Bombardment:

Like a soldier sitting in the open field with artillery shell craters all around him hoping the barrage ends, this company cannot stop bombarding players with new premiums.  It seems like everything else is on hold.  Fixing MM, RNG, tweaking class roles all take a back seat to a new, shiny premium we never knew existed almost on a weekly basis.  This barrage is what the game has devolved into.  It is literally being kept alive by new premiums, but there is something called premium fatigue.  When the game remains the same, shitty MM, RNG and all, no tank you drive matters.  Once premium fatigue sets in, they will need a new trick.  I think they found one by reintroducing rare and promised never to be sold again premiums.  The Type-59 loot box sale, the Mutant, Defender and who knows what’s next, but if you own any rare tank or are going to buy any of them, understand that they will not be rare for long and no tank is safe or rare.  Once all of those chips are spent, WG will need to do something different.

Game Age and Product Life-Cycle:

All things must come to an end at some point and products go through a life-cycle.  Some products seem to last forever (Coke), but some fade quickly (MySpace).  Games typically do not last very long due to people getting bored playing them, new games taking their place, or games that become outdated.

The product life-cycle for WoTs is in late adulthood and will soon be able to move into a retirement village.  WoWPs is already there and guess what?  WoWS is aging at a fast rate and will take the dust covers off of the furniture before WoTs gets there.

Russian Way of Doing Business:

Different countries have different ways of doing things that seem normal locally, but do not translate well beyond that realm of influence.  In America, people expect a good product for a decent price because there is usually a lot of competition.  There are many products of the same type to choose from and therefore price is often the only differentiating factor.  WoTs may have a quasi-monopoly on arcade style tank games, but there are many other first-person shooters which play similar to WoTs and people will play those games if they feel they aren’t getting a good deal or are being taken advantage of.

Deceptive promotions, error-prone marathons and broken promises to never sell certain tanks again, does not go unnoticed.  Once trust is lost, people close wallets and move on.  Just because there was an unannounced nerf to silver payouts doesn’t mean people didn’t notice it.  Just because there was a “typo” on day 19 of a 20 day free tank marathon, doesn’t mean people aren’t skeptical, especially considering the company didn’t acknowledge the “mistake” and honor the results.

Phony in-game surveys that end once you select a low grade to the first question.

Disdain for the NA Server:

The hatred WG has for the NA server has been obvious for years.  From getting a Canadian or British Tank for a Fourth of July special event to celebrating Dunkirk, “the historic 1940 battle and subsequent evacuation,” in July 2017.  Why are we celebrating a British evacuation for Independence Day?  Why aren’t we celebrating the D-Day invasion, The March on Berlin, or V-Day?  No!  We are celebrating a retreat of an ally instead.

In July 2011 NA got to celebrate Independence Day with the “Kursk Operation Special.”

The latest smack in the face is watching WoT videoes about the changes to graphics and seeing Spanish subtitles.  It isn’t the player’s fault that NA died.  NA died due to many of the reasons above and silly decisions like spending most of the NA advertising budget in 2017 on a non-coherent Superbowl commercial.  Nothing says let’s play a tank game more than a tank crashing through a wall into a table with a cake on it.  A better commercial would have been just showing 30 seconds of the game log-in movie if this is the best you can do.  Roughly $6 million up in smoke in one shot.  Slightly more expensive than an Object 430 version II gold load-out.

In closing

There are many reasons WoTs is losing players, some of which may not be listed here and are just as viable.  The reality is that the population has dropped substantially in the last three years. In Part II, “Free Fall,” we will look at past and present game population numbers and make bold predictions on the future of each major game in Wargaming’s war chest.  We will create a timeline of events and chart a course on the future of WG.

Disclaimer: My name is John Smith but you can call me Bubba. Everything I have said and will say in this series is only my opinion and is for entertainment purposes only. My current location is on a small boat docked next to a small island (not Cyprus) in a yet undiscovered island chain which lies in a large body of water.

This Post Has 29 Comments

  1. Rafalefighter47

    No surprise that WG’s management sucks more than a tornado outbreak….

  2. Icon_Charlie

    I’ll have to post something a bit later… You are too kind and give too much credit on the development department.

  3. Dirty_Camel

    Good review. The RNG/MM portion of WOT enrages me. I’ve played over 50k games and can pretty much determine a win or loss in the first minute of the match based on two factors. 1. deployment failure means you got the MM shaft (no xvm needed). 2. First shots bounce where they should pen. I usually see this when I am Top tier Vs lower tiers. RNG just won’t let me rape lower tiers. I will come out of an all T10 match with 5k damage, hop in the next battle where I am 1 of 3 T10’s and can’t muster 3k damage because of 100% RNG rolls…. it makes ZERO sense. So my gun can pen a Maus, IS7, Obj140, but not an IS3, Tiger II, or T44. Drives me Must! Tanking Skill in Wot is how well you play against Mm and RNG, not how well you play against others. If you watch a unicum play in pubs, they will fire twice as much as a normal player. They dont necessarily pen more, but they fire more. What makes him purple is the ability to live longer. After battle you can look at his pen rate and it will normally be around 60% (average)… difference being he fired twice as many shots to get that 4k of damage (purple Wn8). If RNG wasnt applied in WOT, every match would last about 2 minutes, so i understand why it’s needed, but it drives me nuts!

  4. Insurrectional_Leftist

    @ Dirty Camel.. Dude after 30-days I came back for a few game the last 2 nights. Holy Cow. I cannot get any damage hardly at all !! Rounds are bouncing off everything. RNG is going NUTS. MM is giving me Blow out Steam roller losses out the Ass. I mean pathetic damage. Hell on a bad night with the old WOT I could get better damage than this no shit !! Everyone is lost on the maps. No one knows where to go !!

    I’ve never seen anything like this before! It’s like some type of overall Nerf has occurred on the game, and on certain tanks etc.

    what the fuck have they done? And the ULTRA settings rob so much performance from the game. The mechanics don’t seem to work like they used to. You can see as well, view range, and the Maps has some other issues I can’t put my figure on yet.

  5. Insurrectional_Leftist

    PS Tier 8 has gotten even worse I think…

  6. Beornotns

    I have been having some REALLY QUESTIONABLE bounces and non-pens lately… Like, even on fucking artillery? I am still, slowly, improving my personal win % and all that jazz, but it seems that I have to knuckle down each and every match or it will be a fucking steamroll…

  7. Dirty_Camel

    @ IL, I feel ya, with the new tracers you can actually see when RNG clearly fucks you over in the aiming department. 1.0 has actually made me play less due to what you stated. Why aim….. when the round isn’t going to go where you are aiming? To do it over and over is just stupid! I am however, rerolling on another account to test for MM differences over a couple thousand battles. Due to the decrease in my interest in the game itself, it’ll take awhile to gather the data needed. As for T8 battles, my lorr on my original account has seen twice as many T10 battles over a 100 game span than the lorr on my new account… I find that intetesting in a ‘random’ setting. After 1k battles we’ll see if they got the same MM as all the fanboys love to claim. Also, $50 Tomatoes are a clear contributor to the epic fail of T8’s…. nothing new there. It’s like putting a baby in the game as Quarterback. Especially when there are 2 or more, how effective can a team be with 4 babies on the starting offense? No chance at all….. WG seems to think it’s great for gameplay, the bottomed out player base says otherwise.

  8. Dirty_Camel

    @beo. Played a lot of arty in my last couple sessions, GW and T92. I do more damage when I splash than from a direct hit. I stopped aiming directly at and started aiming just beside the tanks, which makes ZERO sense as a mechanic of the game. I even direct hit an IS7 with the HE from Gw and got Crit hit no damage.

  9. Beornotns

    @Dirty_Camel – I was in an arty for the personal missions for the T-55A, and I hit a AT15A and did nothing, I landed next to it and hit for 200+… weird

  10. Shadora

    The games are mindless and unplayable most of the time. This is not a game you can take seriously because the game is out of your hands most of the time. You either get a team that can win or you get a team that will lose, and RNG will decide the game.

    The reason RNG is so bad now is that the MM wasn’t enough to make people lose when they wanted them to lose due to there being too many sub 50% players. They have to use RNG in order for those +50% players to lose when they have better teams statistically but making them miss and not pen shots.

    The game is a mess right now and there is nothing WG can do to fix it because they have no idea what they are doing. They rely too much on analyzing the game but yet scouts have no role and the maps still play terrible. their answer to try and stop corridor maps is to make the playing field flatter. That was the best they could do.

    They are grasping at straws hoping the population doesn’t continue to drop worldwide in all of their games because they are a one-trick pony. All of their games play the same and are being propped up by premium sales. That is all they know how to do.

    They cannot find a game-mode people will enjoy and they have no answers except create a new premium tank and new tank lines. That won’t keep this game afloat much longer.

    Part II will be much shorter and more to the point with dates and numbers. This was a long read and most people playing already know the reasons why the game is failing. I hope to have it done in a few days.

  11. Beornotns

    But, the average IS a 49% player. Because of draws. 49% wins, 49% losses, 2% draws. So, 50% is slightly above average. Statistically speaking, right?

  12. Shadora


    Yes. The average player is roughly 49.something% WR. Draws are losses for both teams when they should be “half-wins,” for both teams. In those instances they could either split the winner XP bonus in half and add the loser bonus then divide by two, or just credit them both with a “half-win” and come up with an XP formula for tie games for both teams equally.

  13. Beornotns

    I am pretty sure a topic I just made was deleted. I posted it, and then used mass transit to get to work. Upon arrival at work… NO thread… No mention of anything anywhere; not even in the locked threads.

    Unless it didn’t take from my home computer. But I am pretty certain it did.

    And, it WAS titled, “I had forgotten x5 brings out the window-licking flipper-babies”

    So… yeah, I can see why that may cause offense.

  14. Donward

    Agreed on the maps issue. They’ve taken away maps with this update and made some worse. Erlenberg is a prime example of this where they have flattened the terrain and taken away all cover. This map now rewards the team which camps the back row the hardest.
    Agreed on the mm issue. About 2/3s of the matches I play are coin flips where 1/3 of my team is either dead in the first 2 to 3 minutes or the enemy is dead.
    But the most frustrating is what WoT has done to the Tier 8 tanks. As an amateur historian, I prefer to play historical tanks mainly of the World War 2/early Cold War era vintage. Given my druthers, I’d only play Tier 2 to Tier 8 tanks. The Tier 9 tanks I play are mainly to chase missions which are only achievable if you play a high tier tank. And since 2010 I have refused to play Tier X for a variety of reasons which are my own.
    When WoT “fixed” the matchmaker awhile back evening out the Tier distribution, I was happy since I would only face Tier 10s in 1/4 to 1/3 of my matches.

    It is NOT like that anymore.

    The past couple of months, anywhere from 75 to 90 percent of my matches in any Tier 8 class (premium, heavy, med) I’m stuck in a Tier X match. And that is statistically impossible other than WoT intentionally forcing players to continue to fail/pay-to-play up the Tier scale to 9 and 10.

    There is ZERO point in playing Tier 8 anymore, particularly when games are decided on what team has the most (South American/Bots/43-percenters) at Tier X on one side versus the other.

  15. Shadora

    I think you were right Icon_Charlie. The maps have several issues that should have been worked through but weren’t. One I mentioned about thinking you have a clean shot and seeing the target visible to you but you hit the rock you are behind, but there are two more.

    The second issue is being hit behind rocks that you are completely behind. I have seen this on a few maps and it’s getting old fast.

    The third is on Glacier. The team on the northern side can climb the frozen ships and you cannot hit them from there due to lack of gun elevation. It’s really pathetic this would not have been weeded out, but there it is in all its misery.

    These are the kinds of things that can happen when you make drastic changes to the game and some should be expected, but this was not a flawless update. The populations are already going back down towards what they were before the update and it happened too fast. they needed this to carry over for a few months, but it appears it will only give a slight boost for a month and a half. Not worth three years of time, money and neglecting the rest of the game and its most severe problems.

    From a business standpoint Update 1.0 is a major failure.

  16. Insurrectional_Leftist

    @ Shadora .. Yes, I have come to this conclusion also. I personally have come to the conclusion to myself that I feel that The 1.0 Patch is a “Failure”. I really do mean that. I’ve only played just 3 evenings (late evenings) after my 30-day break period. At first I thought my 30 break what hindering me? But, I soon realized, “nope” it wasn’t. Then after a few games, I soon came to the conclusion, omg “these maps!” Everyone was lost on them ( including myself ), I realized they changed them in very fundamental ways. They don’t play the same way they used to at all. The changed elevation points, deliberately change hard objects, placements of objects, created new boundaries, and put SO much extra foliage, ( the kind that gets in your way when to make a shot, not the kind that helps at you from getting shot!)
    And they have done something to view range? Also when you try to play ARTY they have used some type of nerf in the mechanics how you try to aim or hit? I could tell it right off the bat. In my Grille, French & German Tier 9 arites shells were flying about a mile ! off target. every tank I tried to hit could not be hit etc.

    The RNG was just MASSIVE ! and the MM was just setting up to lose from the start, I have that little indicator mod installed from Aslains mod Pack, which will show the chance to win, WN8 balance before the game, and during progress of the game. Each time it did predict the outcome oddly.

    There have been some drastic changes to this game for sure. The mechanics are acting very, very, very strangely when you play the tanks.

    It’s as if it’s not what its cracked up to be. Some more things have been changed that I don’t believe they are telling everyone about?

    I think it’s a fail sad to say.

  17. Shadora

    They fked up the game badly, it is no longer playable with this rigged MM. The issue is there are too many bad players left and they want to keep everyone at roughly a 50% WR so you get long streaks of rigged helpless games.

    From now on I will refer to Wargaming as WriggedGaming and World of Tanks as “World of Blanks” to denote the pathetic “casino slot-machine RNG” which makes the gun useless almost every time you fire it.

    The game is unplayable IMO and the worst piece of shit I’ve ever experienced in online gaming. Nothing really comes close to how bad this has become. I’m about to hang it up due to there being no point of even playing when the games are already decided before they begin.

    Hopefully they find a way to turn it around but right now this game is just not worth the aggravation. It truly has become a skill-less game. I’m playing a couple of other games which are fun and more relaxing and involve a lot more skill than this. How I long for the days of UO Pre-Trammel, or even DAOC in its hay-day.

  18. Thing 1

    The game has been fucked up for years. That’s the problem. And it’s the same fucking problems now that they were then.

    In the end, this is the same exact game that was in play when they ditched Ubisoft during development. I honestly now think that it’s not that Wargaming don’t want to fix the shit, it’s that they just don’t fucking know how.

    I think all they have are several skin modelers that just hurl more and more high res textures at the game while copy and pasting the same tank models over and over again and changing a few parameters. That’s it. That’s all they’ve got.

    They don’t have a single statistician on the team telling them how fucked up their MM formula is and how to fix it, or how completely full of shit their spotting equations are, or how ridiculously bad their RNG is and what it does to predictability.

    In the end, what you have are some Laymen assholes that are completely fucking clueless hurling more shit into the same exact formulas they were using back in 2010 and guessing at every single value they enter as they go along.

    THAT is why the game has gotten progressively worse – they literally don’t have a fucking clue what they’re doing.

  19. landedkiller

    I give them one to two years and they will be long gone from North America and Europe will start declining thereafter. I beleive the popularity of Fortnite and Pubg will also be drawing more people away from wargaming games. I don’t see them being successful in the long term eventually they will lose Europe and then Russian server will slowly fade away. It’s only a matter of time at this point. I hope someone pitches the idea to Activision to come out with a game similar to World of Warships or Tanks they would at least have more common sense then Wargaming. It’s about the only game studio I respect these days besides Bethesda whom is yet to make a world war 2 rpg, but if they did I bet they would knock it out of the park.

  20. Shadora

    The game has been rigged garbage for years, you are right. The meeting they had with Quickbaby and friends a couple of years ago shows they have no fkign idea what they are doing. They are clueless as to class roles and attributes, view range, and making a workable MM system.

    They are as predictable as the sun coming up tomorrow in everything they do. Everything they do revolves around forcing people into doing what they want them to do which their accountants figured out on paper will increase revenue. Most of the changes make the game worse and they try to bleed more money out of people by using more silver, taking more time to grind, firing more shoots that miss, making players bottom tier most of the time versus higher tier, harder to pen tanks, therefore firing more premium rounds.

    I guarantee that the upcoming changes to ammo will include a higher overall cost of firing rounds. that is how they think and exactly why they are failing miserably worldwide. They do not think in terms of creating value. Their minds will not allow it. What they think is how can we bleed more blood from a stone by making the game worse by forcing players to do what they don’t want to do, like being, “eternally bottom tier.”

    Without some form of skill-based MM system, this game will continue to bleed players every year until they shut it down. It is WriggedGaming’s responsibility to create a competitive game, but they are falling flat on their faces. It is not reasonable to expect 10 tomatoes and 5 bananas on team A to beat 3 purples, 5 blues, 3 bananas and 4 tomatoes. It is the developers job to create a competitive game and they either don’t know how or they want the game this way because they end faster and faster games makes them more money.

    People on the WG forums have been complaining about the MM and blowout games for years and they just keep making it worse with the changes they make. They just ignore them all and now look at the predictable results. I wonder if their accountants figured out how shitty their bottom line would be after these pathetic changes. Whoever is making these terrible decisions should have been fired years ago.

  21. Icon_Charlie

    Well you know what’s WG reply is to this mess right??? Increase milking the people in the EU server with special deals and missions. Everything I have commented for years has and/or is coming true. There will be no change to the game mechanics. There will be the continue rigging going on. There will be the Continued Bots that are in the game in increasing numbers. There will be the cheat mods that have WG’s blessing which I believe to them licensing their product out to 3rd party companies.

    What I also believe that there will be a loot box system that will be a hybrid setup to be combined with the current game mechanics. Hell I even believe they will delve into the shadow market game economy even further that they are now in… if you notice all of the 3rd party giving out 500 gp and premium time of late. I even believe that those in higher management will everything that is already being done on Steam and try to apply it to this game.

    BUT they will NOT fix this game. It is not that they can’t. They can… but THEY WON”T…. Because it is easier to not put that much effort into something that in their minds is not broken.

    It is working as intended.

  22. landedkiller

    Wargaming is letting the pedophiles ruin world of warships with this Azur Lane shit. Really need to check out warthunder or see if elder scrolls online is any good. I see world of warships dieing off in one to two years at the rate they are going.

  23. Gomez_Adams

    I’d love to see everybody at War Thunder. I play planes but if a few folks I knew were playing tanks I’d get into them as well.

  24. Mr_Alex

    The Azur Lane thing in my opinion is really disgusting

  25. Thing 1

    Yes it is. It’s pedophilia at it’s sickest form. How the fuck can they still think that shit is a good idea?

  26. Gomez_Adams

    I played a couple games of Warships about a week ago, so I’m not familiar with what this “Azur Lane” stuff is. A quick Google of it showed me far more than I really wanted to know.

    I can’t for the life of me figure out how grown people can look at that absolute crap. I bet if their wives ever found out they’d wind up in divorce court so fast it would make their heads swim.

    I mean seriously: to be a grown man looking at that crap you HAVE to be a special kind of sick in the head.

  27. Beornotns

    I rarely read the comments on the game launcher. What the hell is an Azur Lane?


  28. landedkiller

    It’s a game where one can turn ships into girls really sickening stuff it’s popular over in china/japan and wargaming thinks that everyones want this crap we don’t. I am going to be done going up any new lines once I finsh out getting Montana. The only thing viable for the future will be destroyers since wargaming is releasing Ashiao which will be a battleship hunter with torpedos that only hit battleships at a long range of 20km.

  29. Mr_Alex

    Last night I was playing with my Hosho CV and funny the enemy was using the chat to talk about Azur Lane, so I decided to use the chat to make it clear myself that I am going to hunt them down 1 by 1 with torpedo bombers and I give a rat’s XXX whether they are in a BB or CV or whatever, did not take long for me to carry out my threat and still my team won

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