Yeah, yeah, yeah…I know it’s been a while. The reality is there hasn’t been jack shit to write about. Most everybody has quit the game, sold their accounts and moved on. Even the hard core trolls like Laceylace changed his name to Huey_Long and finally stopped pretending to be a girl. It’s definitely “end of days” type of shit, lately.
But folks, it seems that Wargaming’s shame and desperation knows no bounds. If you thought they were fucking disgusting already, well, sit your ass down and prepare to be blown away.
So what the fuck is this, you ask?
Well folks, remember years ago when we all started playing we all wondered why it seemed you always got punished when you lost? I mean, after all, you’re out there busting your ass, trying your best, doing decent damage, scouting, killing enemy tanks, you lose and you wind up earning less than some asshat bot on the other team that never left camp.
Then of course all the trolls came out of the woodwork saying, “It motivates you to win!”
No, it fucking doesn’t. It discouraged you from fucking playing because what’s the point? If some asshole makes more than you do for doing fuckall, what’s the point? Why try? Just bot your way along like everybody else does – no effort required.
And that’s exactly what happened: the game became simply inundated with bots running Cyber-Tank and Tank Leader.
Now, in the interest of full disclosure, Tank Leader no longer exist. Why you ask? Because there was absolutely nobody buying it anymore so they stopped developing it.
Gratuitous screen shot from dev:
So even the botters have thrown in the fucking towel on World of Tanks…but I digress…
Well, guess what, folks? Now with Wargaming Insurance, it literally DOES NOT MATTER if you win or lose.
If you buy Wargaming Insurance, you get rewarded as if you had won. That’s right, folks! You lose, you win! Just pay money and VOILA!!! Instant success!!! In fact, you actually get MORE reward for losing than you do winning if you buy these wonderful insurance packs.
What’s more, if you pile that on top of the pay boosters for XP and Credits, you can make a fucking fortune by failing! It’s the best pay-to-win scheme since Charles Ponzi started all his shit in 1920.
So where do you get them, you ask? Well, that’s the gag folks: you can only get them in game.
What happens is after you lose your ass off, a window will pop up offering you the chance to buy these wonderful policies. Just think: if you PAY MORE MONEY, YOU TOO CAN BE SUCCESSFUL!!!
I tell you, it’s like nobody is buying your fucking crack anymore so you offer them fucking heroine. I’ve honestly never seen anything this god damned pathetic in my life by ANYBODY.
Which brings us back to that age old question: Why play?
I mean, there’s no longer a reward for winning with this shit. In fact, you make a bit more if you lose…so what’s your motivation now?
Pride? Nah…nobody with any pride or self respect plays this piece of shit game anymore. Even the fucking lowlife botters have quit to the point it’s no longer profitable to make the botting software.
So what then?
Why play?
Honestly. Why the fuck bother? Why even try when you literally no longer have to?
If you can answer that one, folks, you’re either a fucking genius beyond compare, or you’re such a failed and miserable loser that life no longer has any meaning or value to you.
World of Tanks Insurance: The last desperate gasp of a failed and miserable company. I knew they were a bunch of desperate lowlifes, but holy shit I didn’t see this coming – removing any and all motivation for playing and trying.
Un-fucking believable.
So, pay-to-lose.
What an asshole design..
Well, they can’t sell anybody that pay-to-win shit anymore, so what’s left?
Market to the losers. It’s all they have left. How fucking pathetic can you get?
Oh dear God, no.
It’s not very often I’m at a complete loss for words. This is one of those moments.
You know, it’s great to care about giving players rewards when losing(ie equally making your efforts rewarding regardless if you win or lose), but to INTICE them to buy stuff that’ll motivate you to lose? Not only is that the antithesis to intelligence, it’s also the most insane motivation I’ve ever yet seen. Like I said, when someone loses, and puts in enough effort, their reward should be the same as winning, that is, you don’t get punished for losing, by this has been taken too far! That’s like motivating people to reject Christ as savior yet you end up winding very wealthy with a big mansion in hell. Anyway long time no see, Thing 1
I’ve never understood why you’re not simply rewarded for what you do. Period.
How is that so fucking hard?
How is that such an alien concept in this day and age?
Exactly. Players should be rewarded based on their efforts, regardless if the win or lose.
WTF This is Match Maker insurance policy also. RNG insurance policy. Wargaming failure in general policy. Another words, the game is broken as intended, thus we sell you insurance to cover the level of progress you should be getting.
Pay Wargaming for more for what you should be getting.
Unbelievable!!!! ?
And people will buy it… unfortunately
Hey, what is that term for that product in the stock market, which insures you against losses if something fails in one direction or another?
Another words, if you invest in something, and it goes belly up, you still make money, because you have it insured or covered against failure. Just like those stock market guys did back in 2008.
I think you’re thinking of credit default swops, Leftist. It’s a sort of insurance to where if someone defaults on a loan then the loan principle is paid for.
It’s what caused banks like Lehman Brothers to go bankrupt and groups like AIG to need 10’s of billions of bailout aid when the financial collapse hit.
It’s either that or he meaning “shorting” a stock.
Nope. Shorting isn’t insurance at all. Shorting is quite literally betting that a stock will fail.
That’s part of what makes the modern stock market a complete joke: it’s no longer about investing in a company that you think will be successful. It is, quite literally, like betting on a sporting event: some people are betting that the company will do well (investors) and some are betting that the company will fail (short sellers).
That is why Elon Musk is presently under investigation by the SEC: He made claims that he was taking the company private and already had the funding to do so secured.
That caused the stock to quickly skyrocket which caused the short sellers to lose a fortune. Then of course it comes to light he never had the funding, which can only mean he made a false statement intentionally to hurt short sellers who he is on record as absolutely hating.
And people wonder why the market is so volital and prone to crashing.
Stock options leftist. You can bet a stock will go up or down in a certain amount of time without actually owning the stock, but the right to buy or sell the stock at the strike price you agreed to when you buy the put or call.
Many people buy the actual stock in the hope that it goes up and buy the stock option as insurance (put in this case) if it goes down.
The fact that WG is selling insurance to essentially make you pay for their dogshit MM and dogs hit XP award system is a very desperate move and just another indication of how bad things are getting.
Stock options is not insurance. No fucking way.
WG outsourced game development for Frontline mode and they should seriously consider hiring an outside company for marketing.
They seem to have a very unrealistic valuation of their game at this point and haven’t come to the conclusion yet that tier eight tanks aren’t worth 50 dollars anymore due to that tier being a shitfest with the dogshit MM. A fair value for maximum revenue is probably closer to 19 dollars. Also, premium account is not worth 12 a month and more like 5 a month.
Frontline coming economy changes will be the final straw for many who had any hope for better MM modes, and the MM changes WG has promised will be nothing more than the same dogshit MM with a failsafe to not be bottom tier more than 60% of the time.
Everything they touch turns to shut because, as I have said before, they do not know how to add value to this game. All they know is how do we squeeze more money out of anyone still playing. This company will continue to fall flat on its face with the people running it.
That much I’ll agree with. They’re to the point of absolute delusion if they think a way to bring back the majority of the player base is offering up more overpriced bullshit premiums and pay-to-make-the-credits-and-XP-you-should-have-earned-to -begin-with products.
I used to trade frequently and yes stock options are used as insurance against a major decline. They are a hedge against heavy losses but will cut into your gains
Stock options are not insurance. They’re more of a tax haven than anything else.
Typically, CEO pay is now based primarily in stock options. The reason for that is simple: they are tax free because no dividends are paid on them.
It’s like escrow, really. The stocks are set aside and not touched. Now, you’re allowed to finance things based on the value of those stocks, but the stocks don’t pay you anything per se.
That’s how CEO’s get these so-called golden parachutes: When they take the job, they’re typically offered a good salary (hundreds of thousands up to a few million dollars) and stock options.
A company will give them, say, 100,000 shares of stock on option. Now, if that stock is worth 25 dollars per share, that’s a cool 2.5 million.
That’s why most CEO’s come in and instantly start closing down stores, selling off assets and laying off workers. The lower cost of the company’s day to day operations makes the stock go up considerably. It “looks” as if everything is going to turn around. The stock shoots up to 85 dollars per share, investors are high on the future, and the CEO leaves for greener pastures. On his way out the door he has the option to keep his stock or sell it back to the company at present market value.
Guess which option every one of them takes? Right. They sell it back to the company for a cool 85 million dollars in cash that is non-taxable and they walk away.
Then of course the company later goes under leaving everybody else holding the bag.
The only risk is if what is done never increases the value of the stocks on option. If the stock continues to plummet, they become worthless and as such net the person with the option absolutely nothing.
So it’s not any form of insurance as much as it is a tax shelter if and only if the value of the stock is up when the music stops and everybody cashes out.
OK. So what if the asshole CEO racks up shit by financing it through the value of the stocks when he takes the job and it all goes belly up?
Then he’s in a world of trouble just like anybody else would be. And it does happen. Many times before a CEO has been given those options, bought a new house, cars, etc., living the high life and the company’s stock tanked regardless and they wound up like anybody else would:
Good. Fucking assholes.
They are failing miserably without a major competitor. They are their own worst enemy. They don’t understand that the value they envision for their game has been compromised and the overpriced valuation will not translate into people paying for it.
Four years ago the game was worth those prices in the minds of many players but they are still trying to live in the past by trying to put a square peg in a round hole.
Well, not really.
Lets go back to our earlier example: You take a job as CEO of the company and they give you 100,000 stocks on option valued at 25 dollars.
So you go in and finance a new 1.5 million dollar house, a couple of cars, and a boat based on the value of those options.
Then no matter what you do in the company, the stock continues to fall. Well, your salary isn’t anywhere near enough to cover the cost of all the things you’ve financed, so now you’re in a world of trouble.
You firestorm everything trying to bring up the stock value, but nothing works. Then the company fires you as CEO because they now see you as non-productive. In most cases like that, the company is protected via contract and doesn’t have to pay you the value of the stock due to a non-performance clause.
Well, now you’re totally shafted. You’re out of a job and several million dollars in debt.
The snowball effect of that is the bank that made those loans is also shafted out of millions of dollars in revenue. You get enough of that happening and that turns into a bank failing.
And guess who picks up the tab on all of that?
We do. So it’s not just them who get screwed for being overzealous. It’s us. It’s everybody. That’s why I absolutely hate the system and pretty much everything about it: everybody has credit, but nobody has any actual money until the bailouts hit.
Got ninjaed on posting. My comment was @T1
I think the issue here is thinking there is insurance for stocks. There is no insurance policy for stocks that I know, but investors will buy an actually stock in the hope that it goes higher. Let’s say 1000 shares of Amazon for 200,000 (2000 a share). You could then buy a stock option put which has a Jan 2020 expiration date and a strike price of 1800 (options are sold in groups of 100 shares). So 20 put options strike price 1800. If the stock goes below 1800 your losses are covered. You have insured a stock collapse.
Stock options given to executives are taxable. Dividends are also taxable once a certain threshold is reached based on total income.
Stock options are high risk deviritives that should be avoided unless of course if you are a CEO getting them as compensation.
Nothing is taxable that doesn’t pay you. Not until you cash out are you required to pay taxes, and even that is on gains only, not overall value.
That’s why options are more valuable: they avoid taxes. You use the value of them to finance your life and use the interest you pay as a deduction against the very taxes you’ll pay later when you cash out.
It’s a game of the rich, by the rich, for the rich.
That’s why Apple hasn’t paid one single penny in taxes to the United States in decades. They don’t ever pay any dividends and none of their money exchange is done in this country.
What Elon musk did by making believe they were going private was to try and make the short sellers have to sell their short position due to margin calls for many of them. This means he was trying to screw them because they have been right about Tesla for years and it would not shock me if people in the company sold stock during this artifical rise in stock price. This amounts to insider training and stock munipulation.
No one is buying Tesla to go private for 70 billion. They lose 10k for every car sold. Their business model is not sustainable without free money with more stock issuance. They might get investors to pony up and buy a couple of billion in new stock but they are staying a public company for the free money.
Dude, what the fuck is wrong with you? That’s what he just fucking said:
That is why Elon Musk is presently under investigation by the SEC: He made claims that he was taking the company private and already had the funding to do so secured.
That caused the stock to quickly skyrocket which caused the short sellers to lose a fortune. Then of course it comes to light he never had the funding, which can only mean he made a false statement intentionally to hurt short sellers who he is on record as absolutely hating.
I know you’re in the habit of wanting to sound like a fucking know-it-all and everything, but now you’re just looking like smug asshole.
Options are taxable but hard to report on taxes due to a portion of them being ordinary income and another portion being capital gains.
Companies worldwide avoid taxes by never letting the money leave their tax haven coutries, like Ireland for example which has a low tax rate. As long as the money remains there they never pay the higher tax in the US. The corporations then make the US subsidiary show expenses in line with revenues there little to no tax. They take advantage of depreciation and other expenses to show almost no profit in that country.
The problem is lowering corporate tax in the US like Trump did does nothing because other countries are still cheaper. The only way to counter this tax haven is to make corporations pay tax based on the average revenue and expenses worldwide and divide by revenue and expenses based on the % of these two numbers in that country or to not have tax treaties with low ball tax rate countries.
It looks like I pissed off some people here which of course was not my intent. I am typing on a tablet and my connection is not that great on WiFi where I am so it is ta king some time to type. I think the insults take it a slight bit far though. Say I’m wrong but don’t insult me.
When you start spouting shit off somebody else already said like you’re some end all be all of information, yeah. It fucking pisses me off. Read before you post. You’re coming off as a self righteous, know-it-all dickhead talking down to a room full of kindergartners.
This will be my last post and I thank you all for the discussions and to Thing_1 for letting me post here. It was great fun and good luck in the future with this site. It is hysterical but I won’t be talked to like that by anyone.
Totally low class move. If it offends you that someone actually knows what he or she is talking about because they are in the field as a CPA then I’m very sorry.
Good luck to you all in the future in everything you do.
That escalated quickly.
At any rate, my Parthian post on this thread is simply this: the entire stock market is, in the end, nothing more than a gigantic Ponzi scheme. People hurl money at projects that have little to no real worth. Billionaires are formed overnight based on something that actually loses money. (Facebook, Tesla, Amazon…all are still, in the end, in debt to an absurd point given their valuations.)
The final death knell took place just a few months ago when a real company that made real things of value, General Electric, was kicked off the Dow Jones in favor of who?
Walgreens. A freaking drug store.
Think of everything GE does. Everything from jet engines to washing machines to microwaves to light bulbs and all things in between.
It’s one of the greatest American companies to ever exist on earth.
And it’s not worth listing anymore because of drugs. If that doesn’t tell you the real scope of how bad things really are, nothing will.
This will be my last post and I thank you all for the discussions and to Thing_1 for letting me post here. It was great fun and good luck in the future with this site. It is hysterical but I won’t be talked to like that by anyone.
Don’t let the door hit you in the ass on your way out, you self-righteous fuck.
Next time, read before you post rather than spewing bullshit you think we don’t know when one of us has already covered the fucking topic.
Seriously? Seriously? I don’t even know what to fucking say, other than, wow, holyshit batman…
Although, there is something to be said when you think somebody/something has hit the bottom of the barrel, but then they dig a basement under the barrel… These ass clowns are digging so deep, they must be part mole or something… Wow, what a bunch of dumbasses…
Whoa, been gaming for damn near 35 years, and I have NEVER SEEN ANY SHIT LIKE THIS… Seriously folks, this made my jaw drop. Few things do.
I go away for a little while, get a hip replacement, I come back and everything goes to fucking shit!!! JESUS! I am so sorry about all that Gomez!
Shit man! Hip replacement? Didn’t figure you for that old. Get better man. Shit…it’s the walking dead around here; you with a hip, Gomez with his back…
Wow, Beorn. Sorry to hear that, man. That’s a tough row to hoe.
And yeah, we’re a bit of walking wounded around here. I had my first follow up exam yesterday. She (my neurosurgeon) put me on a regimen of steroids, so I’m all jacked up and can’t sleep. Not that that’s anything new. Other than that I’m doing well. At least now I can feel my legs and walk standing straight up without a limp. 🙂
Thing 1, you do me great honor sir. Actually, I am staring 50 in the face. However, I am also, 6’6″, 325lbs., and spent over 30 years of my life playing football, wrestling, kickboxing, and, believe it or not, sumo. So… I’ve beaten my hip joint into a fine mist. Just getting back into walking now (I kid you not, the “heavy-duty walker” looks like scaffolding; might as well park it against the corner of a building and start doing 2nd story work!)
Gomez, you get better man… Spines are no friggin joke. Knees and hips and shoulders are nothing, but spinal fusions and the like? That is some serious surgical work. I’m not a religious man, but I WILL be sending out all the healing vibes I can for you!
Tell me about it. I’ve got 2 more appointments with my neurologist between now and the turn of the year, just got done with one the other day. One doctor just doubled my meds/px the other day, and will do another brain scan at the turn of the year.
I think we all on here are getting broken down in our heath in some form of our selves in one shape or form or another. “We are all Wargaming surviors !!” LOL 😀
EWOT’S home for wayward cripples. 🙂