Well folks, this will be short and sweet:
We’ve added new login options to make it easier for people to join in on the conversations. Sadly, we’ve been relying on Wargaming API only simply to limit the sheer volume of trolls and spam we were getting from the typical WordPress login.
Yeah. It sucks. But there it is.
Well, now we’ve added five new ways to log in: Via Steam, Facebook, Discord, Twitch or Blizzard.
It works the same way the Wargaming API does. Our hope is that some of you that were afraid of posting due to being singled out by the assholes in game at World of Tanks once they see your name here can now take part without fear of that happening.
The same logins are now available on the forum as well, so do feel free to drop by.
If you would like to see another social media login made available, send us an email and we’ll see what we can do to get it set up for you.
Well done! The new forum is a major improvement as well. You’ve been busy!
If I may be so bold: it may be beneficial to add Discord and Twitch as a great many people use those two sites for talk, streaming and such.
Just a thought.
Not a bad thought. I’ll get those two added as well.