XVM Takes Over Wn8 – The Death Knell of Wotlabs

Well, folks, for many of you I’m sure this is old news. It is to me as well as I knew about it 7 days ago but just got around to typing this up.

XVM, the assholes that made the system that fucked up the entire game and made it the most toxic cesspool on the internet, have taken over COMPLETE CONTROL of the Wn8 formula.

So, what exactly does that mean?

Well, in short, it means that every site will now have two options:

  1. Display the ACTUAL Wn8 that XVM uses as the standard.
  2. Keep their own bullshit and be completely alienated from the game.

You see, what this move does is really level the playing field. In their announcement that they were taking over, XVM made it clear why they were doing so in part:

Unfortunately in past the authors of the expected values tables allowed themselves some liberties and pranks with the expected values such as manual manipulations in order to troll audience. We consider this unacceptable and since the calculation of tables now is under our full control we can be sure that there are no manual manipulations. Our priority is correct data.

And we all know who that is. Wotlabs.

For years, they’ve done it. They would pick tanks they like to play, boost up the numbers on them, tell only their own little inner sanctum of buddies and act all high and mighty about their stats.

Well, it’s gone on for so long that one wonders, “what’s the fucking point now?” And that’s a good question. Why now? Why after all this time?

Well, in short it’s because it has ruined the game. Completely. It’s also because XVM have been blamed more and more for it all.

So what will REALLY happen? Well, it’s simple, really: No matter whose stat system you use (Wotlabs, Noobmeter, VBaddict) the Wn8 values you see WHILE IN GAME will all come from XVM. Nobody else’s stat system will ever be displayed in the game again.

So what you’re going to have now is a new “Stat Whore War”. What you’ll have are people from Wotlabs, who like the good little lapdog, hangers on they are will stick with Wotlabs to the bitter end displaying their stat tags getting ridiculed by the people who use the new XVM controlled stats.

You’ll now have one person saying to the other, “Your Wotlabs stats are made up shit, pal. The game no longer uses it!”

And they will be right, of course.

So what does that mean for Wotlabs, Noobmeter and the like? Well, it means they have absolutely ZERO control anymore over anything. All they are now is a bulletin board that displays the same exact things that XVM displays.

Now, they can stick with that if they want to and things will go on as they were which is in all likelihood what they’ll do. OR they can fight the system and keep their own full of shit numbers. It’s entirely up to them.

We’ll see which way they go with that, but one thing is certain: Their ability to manipulate the Wn8 values is over. Completely. If they continue to do it, they’ll be called out for it in droves. If they don’t, they lose relevance as just about anybody (including us) could set up an XVM Wn8 site to display the statistics that XVM prepares.

No matter what, it’s a win-win for everybody.

So, Kudos to the XVM crew! Thanks for FINALLY leveling the playing field!

Now if only Wargaming would fix their fucking shit, we’d all be in like Flint.

This Post Has 21 Comments

  1. Icon_Charlie

    Interesting indeed.

  2. Icon_Charlie

    Also I don’t think many know about this

  3. Insurrectional_Leftist

    So, NO MORE, tinkering, protecting the chosen few’s stats in the community, because it’s their favorite “Padding Wagons”, or what’s called “Honey Tanks” for Clubbing at certain tiers for the sake of remaining Purple !! to, as they put it TROLLING THE COMMUNITY ? From behind the WN8 Curtain for as long as they have for so long ??

    Disgusting the average player from the game, and even actually “Hurting Wagaming’s profit margin of all things?” Oh, FOR SHAME !! 🙂

    You remember that guy, that used to pad at Tier 5? What’s his name? Oh yea, AutismSpeaks ? The dude in the ELC! You remember him!! Does anyone remember that guy? He was pure Gold! And speaking of Gold, remember how he used to take advantage of people, swindling people out of gold to train them how to go on seal clubbing raids? To pad, but in he false advertised it a different way when he approached people in game?

    Even -G- and Vilin and other big clans saw him coming..

    I digress.. Sorry..

    Back to the Topic… Yes, this might be interesting after these years of the WN8 kingdom’s hold over the community. Not to mention that Wargaming’s Employee’s are members of that Glorious Wot Labs Empire 3rd party website. And we know the story behind that don’t we. That’s another story.

  4. Cigarette_Smoking_Man

    Indeed, the Wots Labs “Handlers” have been exposed by their actions by the XVM personnel. This now shines the light upon the hypocrisy of the Wot Labs dungeons and the Skull & Bones, behind the scenes activities behind the rigged stats system in this game. The forgeries of numbers, and manipulations of formula’s to make certain padding tanks make certain “inner circle” in-crowd “Who’s Who” look Elitist among the community self made by “The Handlers” themselves.

    How else could some of them keep those extraordinary high stats in a convoluted, unstablized, unbalanced, (so-called random game) as this, with such consistency despite the super platooning still? You guessed it: as stated above, “allowed themselves some liberties and pranks with the expected values such as manual manipulations in order to troll audience. ”

    And the one whom sat above all of this? His name was NeverWish. One of the “Handlers” of Wot Labs. And where is he now? Inquiring minds wan to know? Perhaps NeverWish himself could come grace Exposing Wot here at this very site with an “Interview” to “Set the Record Straight” On this Matter?

    It would be a first.

    Would NeverWish come to this site, with an Interview, and offer a Pannel disucssion, or perhaps a Question an Answer session interview of sorts to respond to what is occurring in this situation?

    I beat these guys here at Exposing WOT would welcome that kind of Truthfulness and straight shooting from the hip, straight talk etc…

    Who knows, maybe some of the Employees who inhabit Wot Labs might even want to join the conversation as well, perhaps they might want to put their 2 cents in as well. I bet IF any site could put together an interview it would be this site bar none!

  5. flare_phonics

    If only Wargaming would remove the ability for statistics to be displayed ingame entirely :/

  6. Fulcrous

    > Complains about how WN8 used to be favoring padders.
    > WoTLabs made changes to punish padders.
    > XVM decides to reuse the old method that favored padders.
    > Rejoices at XVM’s iteration.

    From a scale of a diamond to a supermassive blackhole, how dense are you?

  7. Thing 1

    If only Wargaming would remove the ability for statistics to be displayed ingame entirely :/

    I couldn’t agree more. That is the single most toxic thing in the game. It always has been.

    > Complains about how WN8 used to be favoring padders.

    It always has, numbnutts. XVM finally had enough of their shit which is why this change is taking place.

    > WoTLabs made changes to punish padders.

    Only on tanks they didn’t like playing to fuck with people they didn’t like. They manipulated the system to aide themselves while punishing others. That’s the entire fucking point of why XVM took over completely you fucking moron.

    > XVM decides to reuse the old method that favored padders.

    No, dumbass. They’re using THE EXPECTED VALUES BASED ON ACTUAL PERFORMANCE. So if everybody starts playing a KV2 and racking up huge numbers in it, the expected values will increase, which actually LOWERS the stat padding ability of that tank.

    You have no fucking clue how shit works, do you? You stupid Wotlabs ass licking fanboy.

    > Rejoices at XVM’s iteration.

    Nobody is rejoicing shit. All of us HATE the fucking stat system and have stated CLEARLY that it RUINED THE FUCKING GAME.

    Read much, you fucking asshat? (Apparently not.)

    From a scale of a diamond to a supermassive blackhole, how dense are you?

    Nowhere NEAR as fucking dense as you are, fucktard.

  8. Gomez_Adams

    Wotlabs has been a major problem since day one. What really makes it all hysterical though is that the guy that did it all is Brazilian. (Lucas von Mecheln, to be exact. He’s another guy that lives off his parents whose claim to fame is being the “CEO of Wotlabs” as if it’s some sort of Fortune 500 enterprise.)

    Think about that guys: All those players that hate and constantly bash the Brazilians for being awful and messing up the North American server actually worship a system created by a Brazilian that has flat out ruined the North American server.

    The irony is so thick you can cut it with a knife.

  9. Icon_Charlie

    Remember Gomez I’m the one that shown the actual document on why Brazil are such idiots in online gaming. I would rather do business in India than in Brazil now.

  10. Thing 1

    Think about that guys: All those players that hate and constantly bash the Brazilians for being awful and messing up the North American server actually worship a system created by a Brazilian that has flat out ruined the North American server.

    I gotta come clean: that thought never once occurred to me. (See what I did there?)

    I would rather do business in India than in Brazil now.

    I wouldn’t be caught dead doing business with either. But shit man, maybe that’s just me.

  11. norbar

    This is so sad. Someone is butthurt because Wotlabs wasn’t nice to him. I only lurk on wotlabs but everyone there says WR > WN8 so this post is silly

    And yet you are so ass-raped over it that you use an alt account to come over here and post about it.

    There’s a word for idiots like you:


    – Thing 1

  12. Gomez_Adams

    LOL! It never ceases to amaze me how they are all the same. They’ll complain about people complaining, and with a straight face say that it’s not the same thing.

  13. Thing 1

    No shit, right?

  14. Zeedox

    I find it ironic that in 2002, Everquest had the ability to hide stats, display stats, allow only friends to see stats, and allow only guild to see stats, and yet in 2017 WG still cant figure our how to make that one little toggle.

  15. Speedy_DePalma

    Know why? Because it’s a e-peen swinging contest where someone with little cartoon girls dancing in their underwear can feel like they’re opinion is valid or better than yours because they milk a system with no real oversight. Think about it how hard would those fucks have to work to make their point valid if they didn’t have some broken quasi sanctioned signature at the bottom of their comments?

  16. Gomez_Adams

    Because it needs to be said twice:

    Know why? Because it’s a e-peen swinging contest where someone with little cartoon girls dancing in their underwear can feel like they’re opinion is valid or better than yours because they milk a system with no real oversight. Think about it how hard would those fucks have to work to make their point valid if they didn’t have some broken quasi sanctioned signature at the bottom of their comments?

  17. Thing 1

    Because it needs to be said yet again in bold type:

    Know why? Because it’s a e-peen swinging contest where someone with little cartoon girls dancing in their underwear can feel like they’re opinion is valid or better than yours because they milk a system with no real oversight. Think about it how hard would those fucks have to work to make their point valid if they didn’t have some broken quasi sanctioned signature at the bottom of their comments?

  18. PrinzEugen85

    Well said Gomez, as always. The Wotlabs cancer killed off any sort of trust in fair play that the average WG gamer had; a sniveling nerd mafia who I’m glad will be flushed with the rest of the crap.

  19. Thing 1

    It’s over, folks! Never has thrown in the towel:

    RIP Wotlabs

    This means he tried like hell to make his bullshit, manipulated, troll values work and couldn’t. Now Wotlabs has the same clout and influence as the Save the Spotted Owl foundation.

    Actually, that’s giving them more clout than they actually have anymore. They are now just one more in a long line of stat sights that all use the same stats.

    Good fucking riddance.

  20. Gomez_Adams

    That hissing sound you hear is all the air being let out of their egos. It couldn’t have happened to a more deserving group of egomaniacs.

  21. Rafalefighter47

    Bullying people over stats is not only completely stupid, but it’s downright pathetic. Those stats jerks suck more than every tornado that sucked in the 21st Century, if even that.

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